Chapter 7: Jean

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Jean had never been in Diluc's house before. She knew he lived mostly at the Dawn Winery, but that he also owned a building in Mondstadt. Of course, Jean had wondered, but never for too long. 

Diluc stepped inside and shrugged off his coat, revealing a simple cream shirt, rolled up to expose his muscular forearms. Jean's insides fluttered at the sight. 

He extended his hand to her. Confused, Jean put her hand in his. Diluc blushed, his fingers curling slightly to cover her palm. 

"I was only asking for your coat, but your hand is fine too." Diluc smirked. Of course. How could Jean be so stupid? He was just asking for her coat.

"Right. My coat. Yes, um." Jean stuttered out, embarrassed with herself.

Diluc used her hand to draw her forward, so they were standing close enough that she could see every crevice and scar on his face.

Jean wanted to memorize his face with her fingers, and then her mouth, tracing every corner until she knew his as well as her own face.

Fingers at her collarbone swept her out of her fantasy. Diluc was using their close proximity to unbutton her coat. Jean blushed, silently scolding herself for thinking too far.

His nimble fingers swept her coat off, lingering slightly on her bare shoulders. The touch sent shivers up and down her spine. 

"Want anything to drink?" He had a small mini-bar in his kitchen. Of course. Jean smiled slightly.

"Apple cider would be nice, thank you." Diluc was already behind the counter. Jean took the moment to admire his soft red hair, the way it swept down his back to his narrow waist, and the pants that adhered close to his legs-

"Ahem." Diluc had turned around and caught her staring. He handed her a glass of yellow-orange cider.

"Ah, yes. Thank you, Master Diluc," Jean moved around the counter to the side Diluc was on. Her hip was against the counter, and she tilted her head back to drink. 

Jean saw Diluc watching the bob and rise of her throat. She blushed, unaccustomed to the direct attention. 

She set the glass down on the far side. "Your house is really nice," she said lamely.

"It's handy for when I need to conduct business directly in Mondstadt." He said, still looking at her. 

Jean felt loose and comfortable in Diluc's house. She moved backwards so she was sitting on top of the counter, her legs dangling over the side. Diluc was still watching her, but Jean found that she savored the attention a little.

Jean bit her lip, searching for something to say, when Diluc did it for her.

"Don't bite your lip." He said, turning his face away.

"Why not?" Jean asked, confused. Diluc moved in front of her, crowded between her legs. 

Diluc's hand reached out and cupped her cheek, stroking a thumb across her lips. Jean's whole focus narrowed down to that one point, begging Diluc to do something more and ease the ache that had started to throb in her stomach, lower. 

"Because, it's distracting." Diluc's eyes were dilated so the pupil had almost swallowed the iris, darkened and honeyed. Jean's lips parted slightly. His eyes fixated upon her mouth.

"D- Distracting?" Jean asked, not wanting any of this to stop. 

"Yes, distracting. Everything about you is distracting, in fact." Diluc moved closer, his hair brushing her arm.

"Like the way you smile." His head dipped slightly. "The way you laugh." Diluc moved closer, hands braced on either side of her thighs. "The way you walk." His nose brushed the side of her neck.

"Really?" Jean wondered. Her whole body was burning, on fire, about to implode or explode, she didn't know. All she cared about was Diluc's eyes, hands, mouth on her body.

"Yes, really." Diluc lifted his head, and once again, they were so close Jean could see everything on his face, including the pure desire that almost knocked her backwards. 

His face moved closer, if the space between them could get even smaller. 

Then, he paused right when Jean needed him to touch her the most. 

Clear Day in Mondstat II Jean x DilucWhere stories live. Discover now