Chapter 11: Jean

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Jean was sitting at her desk, reading over the notes she had taken from interviewing people about the Darknight Hero.

Donna: red hair, masked. Draff: claymore, embellished clothing. Timmie: Pyro Vision, avoided killing pigeons.

She sighed. It was obvious that the Darknight Hero was Diluc, which meant she would have to talk to him about the acts of vigilance. Thinking about facing him made her nervous.

Perhaps Jean could get Lumine to do it? Lord Barbatos knew that the Traveler would do anything for the smallest amount of Mora, even delivering food to people if she had to. 

No, Jean couldn't do that. That would be cowardly, and besides, it was better if Jean did things herself, as Acting Grand Master.

It's okay, Jean told herself. All you have to do is be calm and professional. Besides, if Diluc wants to talk, you can just tell him that you're working

Later in the day, Jean was in front of the Dawn Winery. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. 

"Hello?" Diluc's face filled her vision. He looked a bit tired, with purple bags underneath his eyes. His face changed when he saw her, into one that was a bit more guarded. "Jean."

Jean steadied herself. "Um, hello Master Diluc. May I come in?"

"I'm not sure that would be the best idea right now." Diluc said, still holding the door halfway open. Jean's heart clenched. It was obvious that Diluc regretted what they had done. 

"Ah, apologies. But it'll be quick, I promise. I just need to ask you a few questions." Jean reiterated. Did she sound professional? She hoped she wasn't blushing.

"Hmph. Come in, then." Jean walked in. The house still smelled a bit like Diluc, soft and warm, a little sweet. 

They sat down at a table. Jean fumbled with her notepad for a moment before pulling it out. Her hands were shaking.

"So, well, I believe you've heard of the new vigilante who calls himself the Darknight Hero?" Jean began.

"Calls himself? My belief was that that the people of Mondstadt came up with that atrocious name." Diluc crossed his arms and frowned. 

Jean made a note. Doesn't like the name the Darknight Hero. Why would he care, unless he is the Darknight Hero?

"Seems like you have, Master Diluc." Jean flashed a smile and Diluc. He turned his face away and gave another sigh. 

Oh. Well, she would just have to continue on.

"As the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, who usually works to control monster attacks, I wanted to look into this new hero." Diluc nodded along with her. "Um, I've interviewed several people who have been rescued from monsters by the Darknight Hero."

Jean consulted her notepad again. She read off the list of characteristics and traits people had noticed of the Darknight Hero. Diluc's face became more and more flushed as she continued. 

"I'll just stop you there." Diluc held up a hand. Jean looked up. "I am the Darknight Hero, but I only decided to pursue such a hobby because I feel that the Knights of Favonius are not doing enough to protect the city of Mondstadt."

"Oh, well. Well then." Jean got up. "I- I was only hoping to figure out who the Hero was. I do hope you'll consider working with the Knights of Favonius in the future."

That was good. Jean had been professional, calm, and she hadn't revealed any particular emotions. 

Diluc got up as well. "I'll see you to the door." Right. Jean had to leave now. She couldn't get too used to being with Diluc.

Just before Jean was about to leave, Diluc called her name. Jean turned around, the sun hitting her face.

Diluc was standing on the front step, and swiveling around had put her face dangerously close to his. Jean could see the tiny freckles that sometimes formed when he was out in the sun too long. Kaeya had teased Diluc endlessly about it when they were younger, saying it made Diluc look like a strawberry.

"You- you look nice today." Diluc smiled softly, his cheeks pinking. Jean's heart fluttered and swooped low in her stomach. 

Diluc looked down at the ground, before making to close the door.

"Wait, Diluc I-" Jean swept forward and put her mouth on his.

Clear Day in Mondstat II Jean x DilucWhere stories live. Discover now