Chapter 10

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You shut off the water only to realize there was no towel.  You just stood there in silence for a few moments as you mentally kicked yourself. 


There was a long pause before his voice came from directly outside the door.


“There’s no towel….”

You spoke loud enough for him to hear you and breathed a short sigh of relief when he came back with a knock on the door and an “I’ve got a towel.”

“Just set it inside on the floor.  I’m still hiding behind the curtain if you try to peek.”

It was barely quiet enough to hear his soft chuckle.  The door creaked open and closed again.  You made sure the coast was clear and then darted out to grab the towel.  Sam must have just gotten it out of the dryer because it was really warm and smelled really nice.  Your teeth chattered as you wrapped it around your shivering body.  The shower was nothing like yours and every time you tried for hotter water, the already cold jets merely got colder. 

You glanced up in the mirror and frowned at your trembling blue lips.

“Showers are stupid….” 


You pulled on a pair of Sam’s boxers, which weren’t too huge.  The worst parts were the shirt and shorts.  The shirt was more like a dress, as it went halfway down your thighs.  The shorts went down past your knees and really didn’t want to stay up.  It seemed as if you were pulling them back up every five seconds. 

Sam was nice enough to toss your clothes in the washer so they were clean by the time you went home.  He had made spaghetti for you, along with cheesy bread.  You complimented his cooking several times.  Every time, he would smile and brush it off, saying “Thanks, but it’s no big deal” or “Nah, it’s fine.”

Sam also helped with your homework.  He was really, really smart. 

“I can do it all for you if you want.”

“It’s my homework, you can’t do it all.”

He got the already familiar expression on his face that signified that he was about to start arguing so you shot him a don’t-you-dare look.  Apparently, you looked pretty serious because he kept his mouth shut.

Once you finally finished your homework, it was already two in the morning.  You were exhausted and so was Sam.  As far as you knew, Dean and Cas were already asleep.

You probably should have gone home, but you couldn’t seem to drag yourself out of Sam’s bed.  The moose in question was lying next to you and watching your face as you tried to convince yourself to leave.

“You can stay the night if you want,” Sam suggested as he snuggled under the very soft and warm looking covers.  You glared at them for their betrayal before giving in and joining him under the blankets.  “Don’t worry, I won’t try anything.”

His strong arms wrapped around you and you felt his warm breath graze across your cheek as he let out a content sigh.  You smiled at the feeling of security he gave you, already half asleep.

“Thank you, Sam,” you murmured sleepily.

“No, thank you, (y/n).”  His words had barely drifted to your ear before sleep overtook you, and pleasant dreams engulfed you like an ocean of warm honey.


You awoke the next morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon.  You smiled as you remembered the night before, and then shot up as you realized you had probably overslept.

The clock read 6:48, which gave you plenty of time to get ready. 

It wasn’t until you got to your feet that you remembered you were in Sam’s clothes.  Well, his shirt and boxers at least.  The shorts had slid to the floor when you stood up.  You heard a door open—probably Dean’s—and you quickly yanked up the huge shorts.  Heavy footsteps grew a bit louder before you heard another door close.  You sighed in relief.  They must have made a bathroom stop.

You opened Sam’s door and stepped out into the hallway, nearly colliding with Cas.

“Woah, thought you were going to hit me,” he said with a chuckle.

“Sorry,” you said and blushed a light pink.

“No, you’re fine.  Did you sleep well?”

You nodded and smiled warmly in response.

“So you’re dating Dean?”

“Uh…” Cas rubbed the back of his neck.  “Not exactly….”  Seeing your confused expression, he went on.  “Dean isn’t really comfortable letting anyone know he likes me.  He thinks that he would lose a lot of his friends and his… Uh… Reputation I guess.” 

You frowned.  “Well, he does have a bit of a point there, but I think he’ll come around.  Sam says he really likes you.”

Cas smiled, seeming to glow inside as a faint blush crept into his cheeks.

“I hope so….”

You both looked up as Dean exited the bathroom.

“We having a class reunion in the hall or what?”  Dean grinned, obviously thinking he was a genius or something.  “Move it, I smell bacon.”

A/N:  Sorry for such a short chapter, I have a few more paragraphs written but I was told by Fallen_Angel_Castiel to end it at bacon.  Hopefully I'll be updating quite a bit more often and sorry for such a long gap between updates.  Thank you for staying with my story even through that and thank you for the comments, especially ShayShi_ and LEVIISMAHLOVER since your comments make me smile and laugh.  Enjoy. :)

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