Chapter 2

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        Once class was finally over, most students practically knocked over their chairs in their hurry to escape.  You and Cas just gathered your things and made your way out in no rush.

        You noticed a moose-like figure standing by the door.

        Oh God, he's stalking me!  You thought as you mentally prepared for the awkward conversation that would surely ensue.

        He smiled warmly at you.  "Hey, (y/n)!"  Cas glanced at you and smirked.  "Hey, Cas," he greeted with a pat on Castiel's shoulder that was meant to seem friendly but must have hurt.

        "Um... I have to go grab some lunch, it was nice meeting you, Castiel."  You smiled awkwardly.

        "It's Cas, please," he urged.  "Good luck finding a decent place to eat around here."  He smiled.

        Sam also smiled, but more mischeviously.  Had you not been so shy, you probably would have screamed "What's with you two constantly smiling?!  Jesus Christ!"

        "Maybe I could take you to the one place that doesn't completely suck," Sam offered.

        Fuck.  How would you find a way out of this one?  Sure, Mr. Dreamy-Eyed Moose was charming, but that was pretty much the entire problem.  All you wanted to do was stare.  How could you come up with a single thing to talk about?

        "Would you like me to come with you?" Cas asked,saving the day.  You nodded and glanced at Sam, begging with your eyes.

        "It's all right with me," Sam replied.  "I take it you like him more?"  He sent a hurt expression your way, which upset you even if it was completely fake.

        "Of course she does."  Cas stuck his tongue out at Sam.  He then redirected his attention towards you.  "Sorry darling, but I'm taken," he teased playfully.

        "I'm taken, too," Sam winked, "by you."

        Your eyes widened and your mouth slightly dropped open.  This gorgeous puppy-moose hybrid literally bumped into you (more like you faceplanted into his chest) not two hours ago and he was hitting on you!  He was hitting on you!  You didn't even look very impressive, simply throwing on a pair of jeans and a shirt as you practically ran out the door to make it to class on time.  You even almost trampled your cat.  Your hair wasn't exactly a mess, but it didn't look too great either.  Not to mention your makeup, which was nonexistant.

        Luckily, you grabbed your deoderant and a toothbrush on your way out the door.

        You really didn't want to go with them but they were trying to be nice and Cas was going so it couldn't be that bad.  You followed them out to Sam's car, which apparently wasn't even Sam's car.  You wished it was, though.  You knew next to nothing about cars but this one was beautiful.  Just like the man driving it.

        "Hey, Dean," Sam said to the man.  "Thanks for picking us up.  This is (y/n).  (y/n), this is my brother, Dean."

        You said hello nervously as he looked you up and down.  It made you extremely uncomfortable so you just glared at him, which he found amusing.  He chuckled.  "You pick out the good ones, huh Sammy?"  This caused you to blush.

        "Don't mind him, he's a jerk," Sam informed you as you both got in the back.  Cas sat in front with Dean.

        "What are you saying about me, bitch?" Dean glanced back at Sam.  Is this what brothers did?  Call each other names and laugh about it?  Guys are so weird.

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