Chapter 1 - Fall

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You walked through the halls of your college. It was your first day, and you kept glancing between a paper and the numbers on the doors as you tried to find your classroom.

There were multiple buildings so you only hoped you were in the right one. None of the rooms matched the one you needed to be in.

As you rounded the corner, you smashed right into this giant guy that could only be described as a moose. Had the impact not knocked you over and sent your books everywhere, you may have giggled at your stranger's nickname.

You blushed and reached for the nearest book, your hand bumping into Moose's. You yanked your book back and glared at him.

"What??? I said I was sorry!" Moose raised his gigantic hands in defense. You had been too concerned with how stupid you must have looked to even hear him.

"Uh... I um..." You stuttered, blushing even more and getting angry with yourself. Your (e/c) eyes darted quickly up to his apologetic greyish green ones. He looked like a lost puppy. You mentally kicked yourself.

Stop comparing this man to animals!

"My name's Sam," he said, offering you a hand to help you up. Smiling knowingly, he asked "First day?"

You nodded, wiping your sweaty palms on your jeans. His voice sounded like melted chocolate.

He lifted you up almost effortlessly and flicked his hair out of his eyes. Oddly enough, the simple movement caused your heart to skip a beat.

He continued smiling as you awkwardly stared. Your books were still scattered all over the floor. He just cleared his throat expectantly. Why wouldn't he stop looking at you?!

"So... What's your name?"

The blush that had almost disappeared came back instantly. "Oh!" You practically shouted. "Oh... Um... My name's (y/n)." You spoke much more softly.

"That's a cute name," he stated, sending you another warm smile. You looked back down at the floor and shifted uncomfortably. You had no idea how to respond to that. Then, you realized that your books were still laying on the floor.

Damn attractive moose-puppy. You thought to yourself as you ran to grab one.

He reached for another and just kept staring at you. Did you have something on your face??? You saw him smile out of the corner of your eye as you blushed. The smile only caused you to blush even more.

You stood up and he handed you the evil book. "So where are you headed?"

"Uh..." You glanced at your schedule. "Psychology...?" He tilted his head slightly in confusion, then seemed to understand something.

"You're in the wrong building, psych is in the one right over there." He pointed, smiling all the while. So now he was making fun of you?

Great. Now I'm not just clumsy, but he also thinks I'm a dumbass! You glanced out the window at the other building. At least now you knew where to go and you could leave this giant piece of sex.

"Want me to walk you there? My class doesn't start for..." he consulted the watch on his wrist... "another fifteen minutes or so."

Your class started in five. You really could use his help, but didn't want to embarrass yourself even more. This sexy moose-puppy made you more socially awkward than usual- and that was saying something!

You weighed the outcomes for a few seconds, then nodded. It was okay for someone (even Mr. Gorgeous Moose) to think you were stupid and weird. However, it was not okay to be extremely late on the first day. It's not like you'd have a chance with him anyway.

"Let me see your schedule," he reached out, seeming to know it was the better thing to do over asking for the room number. You handed him the paper and this time you looked like the lost puppy as you followed him to your class.

"Here we are," he sang, stopping outside a door and handing back your schedule. You shoved it into your pocket and he gently shook your hand, which looked quite amusing thanks to your tiny hands and his gigantic ones.

"Thank you so much." You spoke in your usual soft voice.

"Hmm?" He leaned his ear closer to your lips and you backed up as some of his hair tickled your nose.

"Thank you...." you said lightly and blushed a little.

"No problem, (y/n)." He smiled warmly. "It was a moose's honor." He bowed and you giggled, causing him to glance up and smile even wider. "Now get in that classroom so you're not late!"

You turned and began to step forward when you felt his breath by your ear. "You have a beautiful smile, by the way."

Your face went a dark shade of red and you ducked your head to hide it as you hurried into the room.

The whole back row (which was preferable) was full so you took a seat in the next row, right by a wall. Unhappily, you observed that there were no windows.

The boy in the seat next to you looked up and smiled shyly. He had messy black (Or was it just really dark brown?) hair and blue eyes that could take anyone's breath away. In simple terms, he looked like an angel.

"Hello, my name is Castiel." He spoke with a deep, gravelly voice that wasn't unpleasant.

"I'm (y/n)," you managed, blushing slightly as he shook your hand.

"I saw you with Sam in the hallway, so I decided I would introduce myself."

"Who...?" You asked.

"Um. Moose-sized, looks like a huge puppy, is in desperate need of a haircut?"

"Oh, him.... I sort of forgot his name, sorry...." You looked at the table, chanting stupid, stupid, stupid in your head.

"Why are you apologizing? You've done nothing wrong." He flashed a dazzling smile at you.

What is it with these unbearably handsome guys with their perfect smiles and cute eyes and nice hair and tallness?! You felt so out of place. Were all colleges like this???

Snapping out of your thoughts, you realized Castiel (that's kind of a strange name) had been speaking and was now staring at you as if he was waiting for something.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," you said apologetically.

He smiled, understanding. "I just said I was close to the Winchesters. The one you met is Sam and he has an older brother named Dean. Sam must like you, he should be starting class at the same time as us and he's at the far side of the building. That way." He pointed to the building you had just come from. "And he takes his classes very seriously," Castiel added.

He seemed to talk a lot, which was a very good thing for you. The more he talked, the less you would have to. Maybe you would become friends.

The door closed and the teacher took his place at the front of the room. Everyone was asked to state their name, what they were majoring in, and something interesting about themselves.

Castiel went before you, shyly clearing his throat. "My name is Castiel Novak, most people call me Cas. Um. I'm studying to possibly become a screenplay writer or a movie director. Something interesting about me is obviously my name, but I also really like honey." His cheeks turned slightly pink as a few students chuckled.

The entire class turned to you. Your cheeks heated up and you struggled to keep a steady voice. "Um... Hello, my name is (y/n)... I still don't know what I'm going to major in, and um.... My favorite book is (f/b)."

Castiel smiled at you. "I'm very fond of that book, too."

The rest of the class dragged by slowly as the teacher went on and on about his life and your first assignment.

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