6. Pride month

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Charlie is super excited to celebrate Pride month and it's even better when it's with you and the crew. She loves going to pride parades because you are surrounded with positivity, love and support. Charlie supports everyone and does everything for you to be comfortable and accepting of yourself. If you aren't out of the closet yet, she'll celebrate it quietly with you to show just how much she loves you.


Vaggie isn't one for big parties, but Pride month is an exception. She will join you to a few parades, but ultimately, she prefers celebrating by going on dates, just the two of you. She knows how hard life is. If you ever feel invalidated, Vaggie will comfort you and will defend you from homophobic demons. She knows what it's like to hide who you are and will show extra support if you are still closeted.

Angel Dust

Let's get this party started! Pride month is the best month for Angel. He will dress up and attend the parade with you, Fat Nuggets and his bestie Cherri Bomb. It's also the perfect time to show off some drag and if you want to join, even more fun. Angel will try to persuade you to just relax if you aren't out of the closet, but will never pressure you if you aren't ready yet.


You are most likely the reason he discovered the term asexuality and it made him very happy when you gifted him the flag. Alastor's knowledge of the LGBT+ community is limited, but he's very accepting of you and he will show unlimited support. His first pride parade was a bit chaotic but fun. Alastor doesn't understand the term "being in the closet", so he doesn't make a big fuss out of it and just loves you for you.


Bring our your pride flag colours and Niffty will sew you a neat new outfit for Pride month. While she's still learning about the LGBT+ community, she shows more support than most modern age people. Niffty adores parades and will attend them with you. However, if you aren't comfortable going to one, she'll be sad but get over it quickly, promising to bring back something nice and celebrate at home.


Pride month is truly a magical time. Husk will smile more often and will actually be happier. He will attend pride parades with you and later, will make some fun Pride month themed cocktails. He's also not afraid to beat any demon who tries invalidate or insult you or anyone else for their sexuality. Husk has been around for years and has seen how time changes, so if you are still in the closet, don't worry, he's not going anywhere.

Sir Pentious

Sir Pentious is a boomer, but a wholesome boomer. He may not know much about the LGBT+ community, but he knows enough to understand how important it is. While he's not a people person, he will go to the parade with you just to see you happy and maybe even discover something new. If you aren't out of the closet, Sir Pentious won't say anything about it and may argue that a wonderful person like yourself shouldn't hide who they are.

Cherri Bomb

If anyone knows how to go all out and proud, it's Cherri Bomb. This gal loves pride parades because of all the colours, glitter and craziness. She'll drag you to one with her friend Angel Dust and at the end of the day, set off some bomb and fireworks. If you are still hiding in the closet, she'll be a little upset, but she understands your reasoning, will continue to support you and will even help you to come out with a big bang.

A/N: Hello, ladies and gentlemen of the Internet. Happy Pride month to all of you amazing people around the world. I know life gets hard and some people may not understand your feelings, they might argue that what you are feeling is wrong, but that is not true.


Don't let anyone stop you. Everyone deserves love. If you are out of the closet, that's great. Keep being you, you devilish creature. If you are still in the closet, that's fine, I still support you. You're just like a butterfly, you need time before you show your beautiful colours to the world. The LGBT+ community is like a big family, we support each other. Never stop being yourselves, my fabulous readers. Every guy, gal and non-binary pal is welcome here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and with that, have a lovely day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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