Your arrival

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The feeling as with your falling shook you awake. Then a crash. Your body ached, your head was spinning. You opened your eyes, finding yourself somewhere unfamiliar. You sat up, taken aback by your surroundings. The color red almost burned your eyes, it was everywhere.

Where are you?

What is this place?

How are you even alive?

The last thing you remember was pain and then silence. You did die. You can still remember the feeling of death as it consumed you. You couldn't think straight, you couldn't explain anything. Ignoring the pain, you stood up to explore a bit. Maybe you would find a clue for your predicament. You were in a city, that much you could understand, the area was dishevald, but somehow it still held up.

Graffiti, smoke, blood.

As you passed by another building, something caught your eye in the window. Looking at it, you gasped at what you saw.

Was that... you? What are you?

Feeling your face, hair, clothing, you couldn't stop looking back at your reflection. How you changed. How was this even possible? You stoped yourself from looking at the window. You have to focus. Now is not the time to freak out. You had to press on.

As you reached the end of the street, you saw creatures of different shapes and sizes. Some animalistic, some more humanoid, others looked like something out of a fairy tale. Were they just like you? Should you talk to them or no? You didn't trust your surroundings, you couldn't risk anything right now. You just have to find the truth yourself.

It felt like hours have passed. Your aching legs couldn't walk anymore. The city was huge. You already got lost a while back, not that you even had a place to stay at. Feeling hopeless, you slipped down to the ground, hugging you legs close to your chest. What were you gonna do now? This entire day has been one big question. A deep sigh escaped your lips. You closed your eyes for a moment. Maybe this was all a dream? Maybe you will wake up and find yourself in bed, ready to start another day?

But that wasn't the case. This was somehow real. Something bizarre and real. As soon as you opened your eyes, you saw something that answered everything.

A sign.

Welcome to Hell.

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