chapter eleven • library saga

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This next story is going to be combined into one big chapter of multiple oneshots of them at the library :)

Nobody's POV
Library Day 2

"Dai'! I ain't gonna be here when school ends. Just lettin' ya know I ain't dead." Mondo shouted from the front door before leaving for school.

"Alright, see you later then!" He called out to him. Mondo nodded and headed out the door. As he started walking to the school he took out his phone and looked at the photos of the notes. He didn't want to bring the actual notes themself cause well, he didn't want anyone to question it. He circled some of the questions he still didn't know how to do and decided that, if Kiyotaka's offering to help anyways, he'd ask him for advice on the english work.

Hours passed through the day pretty quick, and he later found himself in lunch.

Mondo brought a tray up to the table and sat next to Chihiro and Leon, who both had trays of kimchi.

"Hey Mondo!" Chihiro smiled.

"Hey Chi', Leon."

Leon put up a peace sign and began to eat, talking with food in his mouth. "Chi' said Eyebrows' isn't gonna be here today for lunch."

Chihiro spun to frown at Leon. "Taka, call him Taka."

The baseball-star rolled his eyes and stuffed more of the food into his mouth. "You knew who I meant, doesn't matte-OW-"

The shorter one kicked Leon in the shin. "Quit talking with your mouth full."

"Damn, okay parent sorry-what's up with you and Mondo kicking me in the shins n shit it's annoying." He complained while holding his leg.

Chihiro ignored him and started to talk with Mondo. "He had to run lunch detention today, something happened last minute so he volunteered."


Chihiro was a bit surprised by the disappointment in his voice but made no comment.

"On a better note, Leon's thinking about having a sleepover next weekend."

"I can speak for myself nerd!"

"What did I just say about talking with food in your mouth?"

The two started bickering.

You'd probably expect Fujisaki to be a little more chill considering how shy they are but once you get to know them, they're like a completely different person.

The fact that Mondo's one of their exercise-buddies didn't help.

Not that he cares though.

By the time school ended (along with that argument), Mondo took out a brush and restyled his hair into an unrecognizable bun, and walked towards the library.

He showed up and planned on waiting for Kiyotaka until he saw the white uniform across the room, next to some bags.

Kiyotaka's POV

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