𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑝 V

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Hey guys, sorry this is a bit late I've had a very stressful week but I only have a week or so of school and I'll be able to write more :) hope you enjoy //

The soldiers let you through keeping you in the middle of the formation, they were leading you down halls for what seemed like ages. You were looking at the artwork that was hung on the wall straight and clean, not a speck of dust. You felt the palm of someone's hand at the small of your back making you jump out of your skin and moving faster up after being too close to the guard who was behind you. There were so many people around you telling you to keep moving they all were armed and could decide to turn on you shooting you right here but you had information all these thoughts were getting you overwhelmed,you stared ahead just focussing on your breathing coasting along. Soon enough they opened a door for you and indicated you to go in.

The table was short and oval, there were several people sitting there waiting for you. A woman turned to you; the same one from earlier  she had smiled at you and got up pulling out your chair. She was being oddly nice and it felt really unnerving. The woman had gone to sit back down as you sat in your chair feeling like you were being interrogated; you practically were. an older man started off by clearing his throat covering his mouth with his arm.

"y/n was it" he said more than asked looking at you before going to his notes before him placed on the table. " what skills had you needed to complete the course for military joinment"

You paused before answering " we have a chance to join at 12 thats the youngest but you can join up to 17 for training which took three years" you contemplated telling them about the different regiments. The women who was oddly nice grabbed your hand in an odd way making you want to get out but stopping yourself

" they haven't even tried to come back for you. Do you think they'll be worried that you told us some information that we are using to just defend ourselves from them?" she spoke as she ran her thumb over your hand. Hers were soft and warm yet they still made you uncomfortable.
You let out a shuddered breath and continued to tell them about your time there and most of the things but leaving out personal things because that felt too much to share, you told them about how you had to train what you were working your skills on and the type of gear that you used you hated doing this it felt like you were betraying them but that didn't even try to go after you no effort at all. Getting side tracked you went back to what you were meant to talk about, the older men kept on pinning things against you as if you were lying which you had not surprisingly. It was a lot and there were so many questions that you didn't want to answer some were really personal at the end you felt just completely drained like you were just about to sleep but they were barely even started this had gone on for hours and there were no breaks the woman had tried to get you more comfortable to open up more which worked you told them more than you intended to and they could all see how distant you were becoming from repeating things.

Once they had finished questioning you the guards had brought you to a room that was small and had a few clean clothes in your size. They were picking things out? You took your shoes off and laid on the bed not the most comfortable but it would do, you tugged the blanket around your body giving you warmth it was familiar but you couldn't remember where it was from. You fell asleep almost instantly after.

You woke up with the sun shining through the cracks of the bars on the window that you hadn't noticed yesterday, you got up stretching from the harsh cot under you not giving you much support. The closet was still open. You moved over to the closet grabbing a new pair of clothes changing into them since you just slept in the other ones. The clothes you picked fit you well; they were soft, keeping you warm in the cool morning air.

You weren't aware of what to do impatiently. You waited for someone to come in but nothing would happen for what seemed like hours. The sun was still shining in through the window so it couldn't have been that long. The door opened after the sound of them unlocking the door, you turned over to it wondering who was there; the guards stepped in holding onto the handles of their guns. You felt the air shift and had hoped nothing drastic would happen.

They made a path for you to walk out, they were surrounding you watching everything you did, they walked you out to a courtyard where there were other people working, they all had white arm bands on and looked absolutely miserable. They handed you a new set of clothes; a plain blue shirt and matching pants. They moved you over to a door and  pushed  you in, it was dark and empty with two doors, the one that was locked right after it was closed behind you. With the clothes still in your hands you walked around unsure of what was going to happen.

The door in front of you opened with some woman standing there she had a clipboard in her hand " y/n? Come on" you walked in the lights were turned on shining into your eyes making your vision blur for a moment to adjust to the light. There were people who told you to change, they were doing their own things not really paying attention to you off on their own writing on documents and only looked over to you to tell you to get changed right there now.

Yo reluctantly did so feeling oddly exposed and like you were watched; once you had finished and stood there a bit longer they turned to you rushing you through questions and took some of your blood to make sure you were an eldian before letting you through to where everyone else was, there were many people old young all genders, they all looked over to you when you walked in it smelled of rust and metal. The " people" more like prisoners were watching you; they almost all had some kind of look that was displeased. Everyone was staring at you mainly because no one had seen you here and you seemed different you were stronger trained to be a solder and now you're here captured by your enemy.

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