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They all sat in a circle, abandoning the table and dragging their chairs so they could sit together. The two doctors had excused themselves, and Aiya, Marvin and their team either stood or sat together discussing all they had just heard.

Grabbing a pastry thingy that was definitely a treat in today's world Betty nibbled delicately at it, making sure to drag out all the goodness it offered for as long as possible.

Betty was sitting next to Derek, who in contrast had half a bun hanging out his mouth with mustard and mayo on his cheeks while he talked and chewed loudly. At the same time. Aiya found it disgusting, and it reminded her how annoying Derek and Marvin had been as kids.

"So what, we are all gonna die in a few months? Nothing we can do? What the hell do we fight those friggin monsters for then?"

Derek was disgusted. His brain had finally grasped that shit just got really real. He was not handling it well.

"Derek, I think the point of us being here is to try and find a way to stop it. These people are looking for the best minds to come together and collaborate. No one wants to give up."

Marvin was trying to be diplomatic. Aiya loved that about her brother. He could be loud, rude and even obnoxious, but he had a big heart. He knew Derek was scared, and he was trying to help him cope the best he could.

Aiya sighed. This was a hopeless situation. No one was going to feel good after the depressing news the doctors had just dumped on them. And the old bastards hadn't even seemed to notice they had just ruined everyone's day. They dealt in facts. They didn't do empathy.

"Fuck this!" Derek threw down his sandwich onto a plate that was precariously perched at the table's edge behind him and suddenly stood.

"Derek, we can't fix it today, but we aren't giving up."

Aiya tried to reach him. Her eyes searched his trying to find the hurting man inside. It was no use.

Derek didn't get dark moods very often. He was the light in their darkest hour most of the time. But he had been shaken to his core, and Aiya could see old fears and sorrow rising in his eyes. The past was coming to haunt him.

His dark brown eyes looked torn between anger and despair. His mocha skin looked dark in contrast with the awful white room, and Aiya had a very distinct sensation that out of all of them, Derek didn't belong here the most.

His mother had been Mexican, and his father from the Bahamas. Both his parents had struggled hard yet had succeeded at building a good life before... Well before it all ended.

Derek's life hadn't been easy, but he had had a wonderful family. Full of love and laughter, and now it was only him, and he looked like he had lost them all over again.

"No! Not discussing this. You, idiots, can sit here and digest all this 'world is ending' crap, but for me, I am gonna go find a willing woman in need of a compliment to make both her and my day."

"Huh?" Errend blurted the question before Derek made it to the door.

"I am gonna go get some ass, man. I need to take a load off - literally." Derek snorted at his own comment. A little of his usual self returning with his decision.

"You want ass?" Errend still seemed confused, and his face said so.

Derek was already in the hallway and called over his shoulder.

"I am going to go fuck some woman's brains out until we both forget our names, asshole."

At this, everyone either snorted or chuckled. Once again, Derek had found a way to lighten the mood even if he hadn't meant to.

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