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"So you have been living under this mountain for how long?" Derek couldn't help how his voice rose an octave at the end of his question.

Who in their right mind would voluntarily live under a mountain for over ten years? Didn't she miss sunshine and rain?

Yet this woman claimed just that.

He stared at the cute petite blond's smirking face. Derek had to admit she had a certain way about her. Her sparkling green eyes and knowing smirk had a promise of trouble. The fun kind. Mostly.

She had a crazy stalker look to her. A girl who was uncontrollably wild in bed, making the fact that she followed you around like she owned you worth it. There was a balance needed to make that kind of crazy worth the risk.

Derek had a good feeling about this woman.

Besides, the world was most likely going to end in a few months, so unless she could follow him in death, a little crazy stalking now wouldn't hurt as long as he was getting laid regularly. Who knew? Maybe they would be a perfect match.

"If you had been guaranteed your safety, promised regular meals, shelter and the means to continue working in your chosen profession, wouldn't you have jumped at the offer? Mountain or not?" The blond raised an eyebrow at him.

She had a point. She was probably six or eight years older than him and most likely had just graduated when the world had gone to shit.

She would have been just young enough to want someone to help keep her safe regardless of the cost but old enough to know a good deal when offered one.

Yet, Derek couldn't say he'd have done the same. He didn't relish the idea of being owned by anyone. She had to know that's what she'd done when it came down to it. Didn't she?

Derek ignored his natural curiosity and the slight twinge of concern for his new friend's welfare. He had come to the cafeteria on a mission, and so far, it was looking like things were going to go exactly the way he wanted.

"You know you are absolutely gorgeous." This was easy for Derek to say. He felt most women had a natural beauty, and this woman was definitely a looker.

Cute blond bob, button nose, small pouty rose coloured lips, big eyes with dark lashes and a small dimple in her left cheek when she smiled.

She was a little excited by their conversation, he could tell. Her face was now flushed, giving her cheeks a warm glow that hadn't been there when he'd first walked in, feigning ignorance about how or where he could find food.

Derek grinned devilishly at her cute blush and bashful head duck. He had her.

"Sorry," she said nervously. "Most of the men here are either scary military guys I try to avoid or old enough to be my grandpa."

She gifted him with an amazingly charming smile. He wanted to kiss her dimple. He barely stopped himself.

"I am Derek, by the way." He held out a hand for her to shake. She looked startled and unsure what to do. Exactly what he wanted.

In Derek's limited experience, he'd found that the trick to charming any woman was giving her pleasant surprises. She didn't need to know he was so far from being an actual gentleman that had her father been around, he'd probably chased him off at gunpoint by now.

Besides, they had been talking for over an hour and had hit it off so well neither of them had thought to ask the other's name or introduce themselves. It had been an instant click. This was meant to be. Derek didn't have a doubt.

She finally took his hand in hers, giving him a slight smile and shake of the head. It was like she just couldn't believe him.


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