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Marvin held the steering wheel of his junky jeep with one hand while he used the other to switch on his two-way to radio Errend.

"Hey, tall, dark, and handsome."

"I don't understand that reference at all. I am blond with pale skin, Marvin. Wouldn't I need to be dark-skinned with dark hair for that to apply?" Errend sounded genuinely confused.

Many of Errend's oddities finally made sense to Marvin now. Figures the guy is from another world. What had Errend called it? A parallel world, technically the same Universe but in an alternate dimension or something?

Marvin needed a library or some kind of computer or device with books stored in it. He needed to do some serious research. Errend had made childhood fantasies and stories come to life, and he was chomping at the bit to understand everything.

"It's more of a character thing, I think, versus actual physical attributes. But ya, I guess I could just call you Earnest like Aiya does."

Marvin was teasing, of course, assuming Errend found this as annoying as other people did when his sister refused to acknowledge them by their actual names.

"That makes more sense."

The sincerity in Errend's voice left Marvin shaking his head, a slight smile at the consistency of the man's nature. If anything, Errend was one hundred percent reliable in all things, including his personality.

"Anyways, I just wanted to check in, man. See how you're feeling. Any second thoughts? We can turn back now if you want? Just say the word."

Marvin figured it was now or never because if they went much further, it would take longer to get back then to keep going, and they only had so much gas.

The radio stayed silent for a minute that seemed to drag on forever, and Marvin felt his stomach tighten. He would back Errend up if he had to, but he hoped he didn't have to.

A fucking wormhole! He thought.

It wasn't every day he was offered a chance to see something that he'd thought only existed in movies and books. Not to mention having the opportunity to help eliminate the horrible beasts that kept destroying everything.

Finally, the radio crackled to life.

"I am not confident I can trust Grayson or his employers, Dr. Mornstrong and Dr. Walsh. However, they have given us their word, and by allowing Aiya to bring the entire team and all our weapons, they have managed to convince Aiya she will be able to hurt them if they do anything untoward."

"That is very diplomatic of you, man. But I was asking how you're feeling. Feelings are not that bloody analytical."

"I try not to feel emotions. I was trained that they cloud proper judgement. I am a weapon, Marvin. My only purpose is to do what is needed to keep the Universe in balance. Feelings are not something that would aid me in my purpose."

"Geeeeezusss, man. That is some sad shit. And I am not sure I completely agree. Anyway, you're on Earth now. Before your tight-ass control strangles all happiness from your life, I strongly encourage you to try letting yourself feel something. You're missing out on so fucking much, man. Seriously!"

Marvin was surprised that Errend could still boggle his mind with his strange detachment from the world around him. Poor bastard probably was still a virgin at... How old was Errend anyways?

Marvin scratched his head as he debated asking how old the guy was when the radio crackled with Derek's voice. Marvin couldn't help the grin. It was nice having Derek join their team. Life would have been extremely dull without him.

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