~Chapter 6~

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~~The News~~

"Snowy Christmas Eve in Quahog, everyone! Stay safe, and be careful on those icy roads! Tom with the weather for the week!"

"Thank you, Linda. There is gonna be--"

Rick shut off the TV.

"Ugh. This is bullshit." Aiko said, as she got out a bottle of alcohol from the fridge. Rick looked at her, puzzled. "You used to love christmas?" She rolled her eyes. "Some things change." Rick sighed. He took a swig from his flask, as Aiko got some wafers and went into the living room. Rick followed her, sitting next to his daughter on the couch. He sighed, putting his arm around her, (PLATONICALLY-). Aiko looked at him. "...?" She was confused. Rick just stayed silent. Aiko shrugs, watching Ball Fondlers with her father.

Jerry came running down the stairs. "Okay, so, we have some guests.. It's my mom and dad. Be nice." he glared at Aiko. "Awe, great! More of Jerry! That's the fuckin' last thing we need." Rick huffed. Jerry rolled his eyes and opened the door. "Mom! Dad! And--" He paused. "Who are you?" The man smiled. "I'm Jake." Jerry looked at him. "....Hello." She smirked. "Merry Christmas, Jerry." Jerry huffed. "C'mon, everyone. Phones up." She growled. "Fuck off!" Jerry growled back. "Now." Rick growled at Jerry as well. "Don't talk to her that way."

There was another knock at the door.

Beth ran to open it. "Mom!" There was someone similar looking to Aiko and Beth. Rick froze when he saw her. Diane looked at Aiko. "Aw! Aiko, my baby!" Diane ran to Aiko. She growled, pushing Diane away. "...Don't call me that." Diane looked at her. "Yeesh. Exactly like your father. Nice to see you again, R i c k." They both just glared at each other for 2 minutes. Beth got in between them. "Hey! Uh.. Let's..Let's go eat."

Rick growled at his ex-wife and grabbed Aiko's hand, walking into the garage.

Of course Diane had a douche-y boyfriend. Typical. Rick shut the garage door. "Why the FUCK would Beth think this was a good idea?!" Aiko shrugged, sitting on the desk. "She's your kid. You ask her." Rick just rolled his eyes. "And she's YOUR sister." The short female looked at him. "..Fair."

Jerry came into the garage.

"What is up with you two?!" He said while his arms were crossed. He had a stern look on his face. "None of your goddamn business, JERRY.", Aiko growled. The tall man with spiky blue hair put his hand on the shorter female's shoulder. "Calm down, Aiks. Jerry, just go hang out with your family and maybe they'll help with your entertainment." The man in the brown and green shirt huffed. "Fine." He just walked out the garage to the living room. Rick shot a portal. "C'mon." She looked at him confused. "Where are we going?" Rick shoved Aiko through. "EEK!" She landed on the ground of a bar. Rick picked her up, and stood her on her feet. She rolled her eyes. "Drinking? Dope." She went to sit at the bar thing, her father sitting next to her. They drank, things were silent.

~~Rick's POV~~

I guess things aren't as bad hanging out with her. I looked at my daughter. She was just drinking....Exactly like me, heh. She looked at me. "Hey, uh...Dad?" I focused my attention on her. "Yeah, sweetie?" She looked down. "..I love you." I paused. "Woah..uh... I love ya too." She looked at me, and slightly smiled. I've never seen her smile before. Not ever since.. She was little. I miss that, not gonna lie. Haven't heard her say that in a while, either.. I miss the little girl she used to be.. But hey, I got to see the woman she became. I just looked at her for a while, observing her mood, the way she was acting...Strange. I huffed. "C'mon, kid. Let's go home, okay?" She nodded. "Alright." I shot a portal, she went though, and I went in after her.

Jerry and his family were talking, Diane looked at Aiko with the most evil look. I paused, and glared at Diane. "Hey, sweetie! Welcome back!" Aiko just growled at Diane, and flipped her off...Heh. That's my girl. "Hey, Diane? Isn't that like your 40th boyfriend in the past 9 years?" I started laughing at what Aiko said. Diane just growled at her. "You can't speak to me that way!" "Says who?" God, I'm so proud. "You're even WORSE than Jerry, Jesus christ." Beth just stayed silent, watching this happen. Chad, Diane's boyfriend, got up. "Hey, man! Don't talk to her like that!"

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