~Chapter 5~

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It became the next day, Quagmire woke up. He was bandaged up, he was aching a little, sure. Of course he was. He got his ass beat by Rick Sanchez, damn it. That's what he gets, anyway. He huffed, getting up, and getting ready to get to the hospital to see Lapis. He drove there, and walked in the room she was in.

~~Quagmire's POV~~

I sat there in the chair by the bed she was in. She wasn't awake...But..At least I could see her. I held her hand, sighing. I heard a soft groan, and I looked up, seeing Lapis looking at me. "B-baby!" I hugged her gently. She giggled a little. "H-hey, silly..." I kissed her. "J-jesus, I-I thought I'd never see you again.." She sat up a bit. "Ngh.. Ow.." I looked at her. "Be careful.." She smiled softly. "I'm okay, baby." I sighed, and sat on the bed with her. I continued to hold her hand, relieved, seeing she was okay.

It passed a few weeks, Lapis had finally been able to leave the hospital. I took her home, walking in the house with her. I went to give her a hug, she flinched. "....?" I paused. "What's wrong..?" She looked away. "Don't worry about it.." I made her look at me. "What happened.." She started tearing up. "Gemstone-..?" She shook her head, wiping tears. I sighed, hugging her tightly. "...whatever hurt you, won't hurt you anymore..." I could see her tail wag, I smiled a bit. I let go of her, and looked at her. "Feeling better?"

She nods.

"Good.." I took her upstairs, and cuddled her, staying awake until she fell asleep. I huffed, waking up at 6 am, getting ready for work. I heard Lapis wake up, yawning. I turned to her, seeing Lapis looking at me. "..Where you going..?" I walked over to her. "I'm going to work, love." She hugged me. "Don't go..." I sighed. "I have to.. I'm a pilot, you know..." I chuckled softly. She sighed, letting go. "...Don't let anyone take you from me." She hugged herself. "I won't.." I kissed her head. "Don't worry.." She smiled a little, then laid back down. I went to work, flying a plane.

~~Lapis's POV~~

I huffed, hugging a pillow. My ears went down. It's not the same without Glenn here... I decided to get up and walk to the kitchen to make some coffee. I sigh, sipping my coffee. I hum Broken, by Anson Seabra. I sat in the living room for a while, waiting for him. I fall asleep soon, until I hear a door open and shut. I look up, seeing Quagmire. He looked awfully sad... "Baby...?" He came up to me and cuddled me on the couch. He sniffled. "..I almost didn't come home today..." I look at him. "What happened?" He shook his head. "D-don't worry about it...Let's just..sleep...Okay..?" I smiled softly. "Whatever you want.." Now that worries me.. He just made me even more curious.. I sigh, tracing the lines of his palm with my index finger. "Hey, Glenn..?" I hear a small groan as a response. "..I love you." He yawned a bit, hugging me tighter. "I love you too, Lapis.." I smiled softly, and giggled a little. I slowly fell asleep, in the arms of my knight in shining armor.

~~Meanwhile with the Sanchez and Smith family~~

~~Rick's POV~~

I could hear Aiko singing upstairs. I sigh, sitting in the garage. Same old Beth and Jerry arguing, Morty sitting next to me, my daughter singing in her bedroom to drown out the noise in the living room, etc. That's when I hear a crash in the living room. Aiko screamed. I've never heard that before.... That's when I quickly ran into the living room, Beth and Aiko on the ground.

Jerry was towering over the two girls.

I pause, and then tackle him.

~~Aiko's POV~~

I cry, covering my eye. I get up fast, running to Beth. "Beth!" She hit her head pretty hard.. She was knocked out. I huffed, meanwhile dad was beating the shit out of Jerry. Iroads shook Beth. "Beth! Wake up!" ....She woke up, she looked dizzy. Of fuckin' course she'd be dizzy. I huffed. "Thank god. Go upstairs!" Beth went up the stairs, I shoved Jerry to the ground, my father moving out the way. I grabbed my gun, aiming it at my brother-in-law's head. He looked up at me, terrified. "......This is for hurting my sister." I shot him in the head. My dad looked at me. "..Aiko-.." I put my gun in my pocket. "Burn his body." He sighed. I walked up the stairs to my older sibling, "Beth?..." She had been holding her head. She looked at me. "..You okay...?"

~~Beth's POV~~

Aiko's never been this caring before. She's usually a cold hearted person, but I guess this is a good chance to have this moment. "..I'm fine." She sat next to me. "..Hey, maybe don't go to work tomorrow, huh?.. You need to heal." She hugged me. I stayed silent.

~~Narrator's POV~~

The two sisters had their moment. Meanwhile, Rick had disposed of the body. After a while, everything was quiet. Aiko was drinking, crying in her bedroom, Rick, drinking as well, but working on things in the garage, and Beth was asleep. Morty was just watching Rick work.

Maybe things had gone back to normal... Who knows. We'll just have to wait for the next chapter, don't we?

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