Chapter 3: New Housemate

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*So far I'm liking how this story is going and the reviews it's receiving. I'm glad that people have noticed that I actually was able to improve my writing from the years of exile from this story I've had. Hopefully, I can continue to provide an entertaining story for everyone, an entertaining story about the greatly feared Decepticon tracker: Shatter.*

(Y/n) groaned as his phone's alarm buzzed interrupting his peaceful blissful slumber. (Y/n) reached under his pillow clutching his phone in numb hands, still asleep, unlike their owner.

(Y/n) winced at the brightness of the screen but felt great satisfaction when his thumb pressed the dismiss button further silencing the small device.

He laid his head back onto the pillow shutting his eyes chasing after that elusive feeling of blissful slumber, mentally telling himself he would get up in five minutes.

When (Y/n) woke again it was forty-five minutes past his morning alarm, which actually surprised him he felt like he simply just blinked.

Deciding against risking falling asleep for the rest of the day, he took his phone and stood on wobbly legs lax from being unused for hours.

(Y/n) opened the door to his room and shut it behind him and headed for the kitchen content to get a bowl of cereal for this Tuesday morning.

(Y/n) made his breakfast and begun to eat when a sudden realization manifested in his mind.

He had forgotten his earbuds in his Ford, and he always listened to music in the morning to help wake him up. He mentally groaned in annoyance, he didn't feel like going into the garage right now but he knew if he didn't he wouldn't be able to listen to his music.

So he began his short walk to the garage and opened the door to the large dark room. Out of mindless reflex (Y/n) walked in and flicked the light switch to the overhead lights and used his keys to unlock the Mustang. 

He then reached into the car and grabbed his earbuds and shoved them into his hoodie pocket so that he could continue to eat his cereal which he still had clutched in his left hand.

(Y/n) leaned up and shut the Mustang's passenger door with his foot and turned around and glanced at the corner of the room and jumped in fear.

"FUCK!" (Y/n) shouted in surprise as he jolted. He watched in horror as his cereal slipped from his hands, the bowl clattered onto the concrete spilling cereal and milk onto his floor.

Somehow he had forgotten about the gigantic warrior robot sleeping in his fucking garage!

Said Warrior robot also had jolted but had jolted out of slumber. 

Her optics fluttered open as she looked back and forth in the room looking for the hostile Cybertronian who gave away their position but only finding a startled human in boxers and a hoodie clutching his chest and staring at a spilled bowl of fluids and human sustenance on the floor.

Shatter was unamused and slightly confused.

"What are you doing fleshing? er, I mean..." What did the human designate himself? It was on the tip of her glossa. He had sputtered his name out in nervousness quite pathetically when she first introduced herself to him, what was it?...

Oh, it was (Y/n)!

"Human (Y/n), I mean." She asked with as much politeness as she could muster.

The human in question looked up at her in surprise, like a child who had been caught stealing cookies.

"Nothing I just came to get my earbuds and I forgot you even existed, and you startled me is all."

Shatter hummed in acknowledgment and looked down at the mess in front of the human, then glanced at his body the cloth he wore over his body was damp from the liquid as well.

Shatter (Transformers), x Male Reader ~New Story~Where stories live. Discover now