Chapter 6: Not my Girlfriend!

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*Interesting chapter title right? In the previous chapter (Y/n)'s friend, Jacob came to check up on (Y/n) knowing what the day prior was only to be greeted at the door by a human Shatter! (Y/n) will struggle to keep Shatter's ruse maintained, especially when Shatter seemed to show little to no care for concealing her identity from Jacob's prying curiosity.*

"You told me you had no chicks over man, what gives?" Jacob said clearly bothered that (Y/n) neglected to inform him about his new significant other

(Y/n) scratched his head awkwardly.

"To be honest dude I didn't intend for her to be here." (Y/n) growled as he scowled at Shatter who rolled her red eyes at him.

"Who is she anyway, I've never seen her around here before," Jacob asked turning his attention to the Decepticon Femme in question.

"Well, she's um..." (Y/n) started to stutter until Shatter stepped in front of (Y/n) drawing Jacob's attention from his friend.

"Sarah Langston. I am well acquainted with our shared comrade." Shatter no, Sarah said with surprising politeness as she extended a hand for Jacob to shake.

Jacob blinked in surprise from the woman's sudden direct approach, he glanced at (Y/n) only to find an equally surprised look on (Y/n)'s face as well.

Hesitantly, Jacob clasped his hand in the woman's surprisingly firm grip. The two shook each other's hand before quickly releasing.

"I'm thankful to know that (Y/n) has finally found a girlfriend," Jacob said letting a smile finally cross his face, surprisingly Shatter gave him a polite smile in return.

"She's not my girlfriend!" (Y/n) interrupted as his face blushed red despite his aggravation.

"Oh? Then what is she really then?" Jacob asked as he grinned at (Y/n).

"Yes, (Y/n) who am I to you if not your girlfriend?" Shatter asked (Y/n) with a smug smirk.

(Y/n) frowned at Shatter not sure if she intended that sentence the way he suspected or if she was unaware of the true meaning of the word Girlfriend.

(Y/n) struggled to come up with a response for Jacob he didn't care for Shatter's question he knew she was just being vexing.

"She's a friend, a pain in my ass. But still a friend." (Y/n) stated annoyed that his friend and acquaintance were both jabbing and teasing him.

"Then I am correct, I am your girlfriend. I am of the Female gender and your friend." Shatter said smugly for informing (Y/n)'s simple human mind on the meaning of the two words.

(Y/n) had to resist the urge to facepalm.

He did not have the time or the patience for this. 

Choosing to ignore the two, (Y/n) walked to his bathroom and opened the mirror cabinet and fishing out a bottle of medicine for his headache he popped the pill into his mouth and made his way back to the kitchen, the idea of a drink of water sounded divine at the moment.

Plus he could keep an eye on Shatter, to make sure she didn't do anything too...alien.

"So how long did you say you have known sunshine over there Sarah?" Jacob asked as he followed Shatter who sat at the bar to observe (Y/n)'s human habits.

(Y/n) looked over at Shatter who obviously held a look of annoyance on her face. (Y/n) mouthed the words 'Play nice' to the cybertronian hunter who let out a sigh.

"As I said before fleshlin- Mr. Jacob. I have recently became acquainted with him, he helped me when I was at my lowest." Shatter explained which wasn't far from the truth.

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