Chapter 12: Hunted

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*Something terrified Shatter more than Optimus Prime himself, What was it? Who was in that Decepticon ship? Why are they on Earth? What is Shatter going to do?

In this chapter, we find out.*

(Y/n) stepped out of the shower and couldn't help but stare at himself in the bathroom mirror spying dark bags under his eyes. 

He hadn't slept at all tonight his mind too clouded with worry and paranoia.

Worry for Shatter, she had not returned to the garage yet tonight. (Y/n) tried to rationalize it, Shatter just missed the open road after all the bed rest that's all.

Then the paranoia set in.

What if she was caught by Autobots? Did the truck bot find her and finish the fight? Did she finally get caught by her enemies?

(Y/n) felt irritation form on his face, he would be pissed if she was reckless and all his hard work went down the drain from one precise stab or a perfectly aimed shot. 

He didn't want to lose her.

Not like he lost James.

It still hurt to think about, even to this day. This is why he worried so much, he didn't want the only other person close to him to perish in war either.

Jacob was different, (Y/n) knew the man could care for himself and was thankfully too stupid to get wrapped up in (Y/n)'s bullshit.

And bullshit it surely was.

That day when he ran, he realized truly what he was caught up in, a millennia's worth of intense war between two factions of armed to the teeth robotic titans determined to kill each other.

He knew she could take care of herself if she had lasted this long in such a war then why did he worry so much?

Even he didn't quite know the answer to that.

Or he just refused to see it.

He knew it was weird, no it was fucking crazy! He shouldn't be thinking about her this way! Even less having very inappropriate dreams out the female robot's holo form.

If Shatter had found out about his sudden and frankly strange affection for her he would not doubt it if she would be disgusted. He had no doubt on that subject.

This is why he refused to acknowledge those thoughts and feelings so that he was prepared if he ended up being punted all the way to Africa.

(Y/n) stepped out of the bathroom made his way to his room digging through it to find a new pair of clothes which consisted of a t-shirt and jeans and his favorite pair of shoes.

(Y/n) subconsciously found himself wondering if he should put on cologne and wondered what Shatter would think of it before stopping himself as he was in the process of generously applying it on himself.

He desperately needed a distraction from these thoughts, ASAP.

(Y/n)'s eyes then landed the dog tags that sat silently on his dresser shining in the light of the room begging for his attention.

(Y/n) traced the words on the tags thoughtlessly and a strange thought crossed his mind. Gently he unhooked the clasp of the dog tags and hooked it around his neck.

He stared down at the tags that rested on his chest silently.

He didn't know what he expected, it was a pathetic hope.

He thought that if he had put on the necklace he could hear his brother's voice or he would give (Y/n) a sign or something!

(Y/n) shook his head feeling like an idiot and ignoring the ache in his chest.

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