Chapter 10: The enemy

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*So I have read all of your theories on who this is and I'm delighted to say some of you were right and some were wrong. This chapter will be very interesting to see considering the new person who is very influential to the Cybertronian war.*

Shatter did not understand the human term 'Karma' at first, she thought it was moronic really, she was not someone who fell victim to their misdeeds and received comeuppance for it later in the future.

But Primis was she wrong.

"Shatter. Leave the human alone." He had said.

Shatter let out a soft groan, her helm felt like it had been hit with Solus Prime's forge. The femme Decepticon rested her servo on her helm as she sat up confused to find herself in a grassy field.

Disturbed ground trailed to her frame suggesting she had impacted it with force based on the long large scrape in the grass overturning the plant for the brown dirt.

Shatter furrowed her brows in clear confusion as she rose to her feet. 

She looked around herself confused turning away from the disturbed dirt to the calm grass around her, how in Primus's name did she end up here? It seemed like seconds ago she was at the human burial ground with-

Shatter did not have much time to think on that matter as Cybertronian footfalls came from behind her startling her.

"Shatter I will give you one more opportunity to surrender, I do not wish to snuff your spark." A deep baritone voice stated calmly making Shatter growl.

The heavy footfalls ceased.

"Prime." Shatter breathed, surprise in her voice.

Shatter turned to face the Autobot leader, quickly confusion turned to malice. An eager grin crossed her faceplates.

She had spent enough time out of the fight.

She craved a challenge.

"A little Bee told me you would come here, well after a bit of persuasion of course." Shatter mocked finding sinister delight when she saw the Prime's brows furrow at the mention of his vocally handicapped scout.

Optimus made no other motion besides continuing to stand there eyeing the femme Decepticon wearily. So Shatter saw it as a sign to prod the Prime's guarded emotions and see what made the Autobot leader tick.

She knew he was a bot that kept his emotions in check but she knew something would make him react and she intended to use it.

Shatter made a motion to look around herself before focusing her attention on the Autobot. 

"Smart of you to bring our fight here Prime, who knows what might have happened. I could have, oh I don't know...crushed one of the fleshlings you Autobots love so much. " Shatter said with a sadistic grin.

Mockingly she lifted a pede and stomped the ground for emphasis.

She, of course, was secretly glad that Optimus had moved the battleground somewhere more desolate, She was more concerned for (Y/n)'s safety than any other human of course.

Optimus shifted and finally spoke.

" We are both fortunate that you landed here when I fought you. I fear your lies would unravel themselves in his mind if he saw you tarnish that hollow ground or kill an innocent human. This is why I offer you this chance to cease this meaningless fight and stop yourself from becoming a martyr to Megatron's violent ways." Optimus stated shocking Shatter to her very spark.

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