Chapter 13: Prime's Diversion

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*DunDunDuuuun! Optimus joins the fight! Scrawl refused Prime's offer. How will this situation unfold? Will Scrawl snuff Shatter's spark? Or will Optimus manage to rescue Shatter and (Y/n) before they are eliminated? We find out in this Chapter!*


Scrawl's blaster hummed to life once more and readied to discharge.

"Stop!" a voice shouted drawing the Bounty hunter's attention away from his target.

And to the human now rushing to the scene.

"Friend-(Y/n)! Get back! Run back to cover now!" Shatter demanded no, pleaded the fleshing as he ran to her aid.

Scrawl let out an amused laugh.

"So, this is the human you betrayed your brethren for?" Scrawl said as he grabbed Shatter by her audiotoral horn on her helm yanking her helm back so that they both could see the human that watched in horror.

"What makes him so special? He seems like just another insect to me. Slipknot, Prior, Prong. What do you think? Would you betray Lord Megatron for this fleshy?" Scrawl mused.

His comrades laughed and cackled at the thought drawing their attention away from a very important and dangerous individual.


Speaking of which.

Scrawl did not see the punch coming until he felt the force of the hit jerk his helm back and made him release his hold on the femme.

Optimus grappled Scrawl as he stumbled clearly disorientated by the hit meant to stun.

"Get the human away from here!" Optimus shouted not looking away from his opponent

Optimus used his Ion Blaster to pistol-whip Scrawl then used him as cover as his brethren regained their focus on Optimus and began to fire on him hitting their leader instead.

"Stop firing at me you fools!" Scrawl shouted as Energon bullets hit his frame.

Optimus forced Scrawl back quickly gaining ground on the other cons who were torn between attempting to fire on Optimus and ceasing for fear of hitting their leader.

By the time they attempted to make a choice, Optimus was already on the group. Bouncing between enemy to enemy fighting them off when they attempted to strike him.

Prior leaped towards Prime excited for the prospect of snuffing a Prime's spark as Scar ran up from behind in an attempt to catch Optimus off guard.

Prior extended her servo in a fist throwing it toward Prime in a superman punch.

What she wasn't prepared for was for Optimus to simply step aside.

Her punch landed just on the wrong target.

Scar reeled from the momentum behind Prior's punch causing him to fire a stray Energon round into the sky.

Optimus refocused his attention on Prong who had mostly been avoiding the fight trying to take precise shots on Optimus when he got the chance.

A sharpshooter more than a combatant.

The best way to get rid of a sniper is to get up close and personal.

Optimus did a spin and backfisted Prior then threw a sidekick that knocked her to the ground.

Then Optimus charged Prong ducking and dodging the Bounty hunter's frantic firing. Optimus could tell he was a recruit to this group of murderers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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