Trans Paula Jones (Earthbound)

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Paula sat on a bench in Twoson Park kicking her legs back and forth. It had been almost a year since her adventure with Ness, Jess, and Poo. Since then her life returned to normal; or at least normal for her. She kept looking around looking for someone who she was expecting. Other people were in the park walking their dogs, playing catch, or sitting by the pond. Paula thought about how lucky they were to be alive and they should pray that it stays this way. After a few more minutes someone walked up to her. A boy in a green suit, glasses, and blonde hair spoke.

"Hi, Paula."

"Jeff." Paula smiled. "You made it." The two shared a quick hug before Jeff sat down and they talked about how things were going largely until Jeff addressed her.

"So why did you want to see me?" He asked.

"Well, it's about Ness." Jeff looked her a little worried. "Don't worry he's fine. It's more about me and what he knows. But I'm been thinking lately. We've known each other for about a year and I still haven't told him." She paused a moment before continuing.

"I haven't told him that I'm..." Paula paused

"Trans?" Jeff finished. Paula nodded and looked down. She told Jeff several months ago. She felt he would be the most understandable. Jeff was okay with her choice. She also told Poo a little later. While he was surprised at first he told her that she will always be Paula to him. 

"He still doesn't know. He still thinks I'm a real girl." Paula said.

"You are a real girl, Paula. So you have a mistake on you. Just like with math and science there are mistakes so you work on them until they're correct."

"Thank you, Jeff. That means a lot. It's just... I don't know how he'll take it. What if he thinks I'm a freak. What if he never talks to me again and tells me I'm just a boy playing dress up." Paula started to tear up a bit. Jeff offered his glasses cloth to Paula to wipe her tears which she accepted and thanked him.

"I... I just don't think I can take that." Paula finished.

"You know Ness, Paula. I know Ness. We both know that is not something Ness would do. After everything we've been through. You could be part frog and he would still be friends with you. You love him. And when you love someone you don't lie to each other. If Ness is the same way he'll see you for what you are, a girl."

"I know. I'm still nervous though."

"That's normal. Everyone gets nervous though. But you're the bravest girl I know. Not many 11 year olds get to save the world. Compared to Giygas this is nothing. You can do it, Paula. While it's not really my thing I'll be praying for you."

After they talked about some other things Paula decided she would tell Ness the next week. So she called him and they agreed to meet at Onett Park. When Paula got to the park she saw Ness was already there.

"Hey, it's been a while." He hugged her which she hugged back.

"It has. It's been too long. I'm happy you could make it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Almost happened anyway." Paula chuckled. They talked for a while about everything. They both sat on a bench drinking some lemonades as they watched the clouds go by.

"Ness. There's something I need to tell you. Something important." She looked down again unable to look him in the eye.

"What is it? You can tell me." He smiled at her and put his hand on hers. "Don't worry. I'll be here no matter what." Paula swallowed before she spoke.   

"It's a secret I've been keeping from you. A secret only a few people know. I already told Jeff and Poo. But I've been scared to tell you. I won't want you to leave me." Paula choked.


"The truth is that I'm not like other girls. I was born different. I'm trans." There was a moment's silence. 

"You mean you want to be a boy?" Ness asked.

"No, the opposite. I was born a boy. But I've felt like a girl for as long as I could remember. I remember back in preschool how jealous I was of the other girls and sometimes thought what it would be like to be one. By the end of Kindergarten I just didn't think what it would be like. I wanted to be one. I used to pray every night I would wake up as one. I told my parents the truth and they took me in as their daughter. Dad took a little longer to come around but he did eventually. He's always worried someone is going to hurt me. That's why he's so protective. Mom was a little bit faster. She bought me a bunch of dresses to wear and some dolls. So the years passed and people eventually forgot about the old me. None of the kids at my parents preschool ever knew I was a boy. I've wanted to tell you for a while but I was scared. I thought you wouldn't see me as a girl and that..." Ness hugged Paula and rubbed her back.

"I would never do that." He then took her by the hand and looked her in the eye. "When I first met you I saw a girl named Paula Jones. Before that you were Paula Jones. Even now and forever more you will be Paula Jones; a girl from Twoson who saved the world from Giygas. And for that matter the prettiest girl from Twoson. You're a girl because you are in your heart. I think the praying worked because you're a girl now and that's all that matters." Paula started crying and hugged him back. She was happy to see he would not leave her. She knew it would be hard sometimes but she had Jeff, Poo, her parents, and of course Ness to help her.

"Th-thank you, Ness. I- I- I love you."

"I love you too, Paula.

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