Trans Stephanie (Full House)

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Stephanie Tanner-Gibbler was with her husband Jimmy at the full house. Two two were watching shows on Netflix and thought it would be cool if they had their own on there. Stephanie would sometimes tell Jimmy the situations and events she and her sisters used to get into.

"So you also crashed a car into the house when you were a kid as well?" Ha laughed.

"Yep. I barely saw the outside of the house tor two months after that.

"And you got on the wrong plane along with Michelle."

"Got grounded for that too."

'Even with three grown ups in the house it sounds like you and your sisters got yourself in a lot of trouble."

"I know." Stephanie laughed "It almost sounds like my life's a sitcom. Though I suppose the first several years would have been a tragedy.' Jimmy put his hand on her thigh.

"Hey. That was a long time ago. You're Stephanie now."

"I know. It still brings back painful memories though."

"What was it like? When you realized you were a girl inside. How did your life change?"

"It started when I was just 5 years old. When I was still Stephen."

Stephanie flashed back to her early chilldhood in the late 80s. When everyone had big hair, wore neon colors, and people actually went outside and not on their phones. Stephen Tanner was the middle kid of his family. He had two sisters D.J. And Michelle respectfully. Their mother had recently died in a car crash leaving their father Danny widowed. He got his two best friends Jesse and Joey to come and help him. Stephen kept that he felt like a girl a secret. When his mom died he didn't feel like telling and felt like it wasn't the right time. But this secret didn't stay long when he was caught by his sister D.J. He was wearing one of her dresses when he heard her.

"What are you doing you, little nerd bomber?" D.J. shouted. Stephen gasped and look at his sister in horror.

'Why are you wearing my dress?"

"D.J. I um I..."

"Well!" D.J. said impatiently. Stephens tongue was dry. He couldn't speak. But he had two before...

"DAD!" D.J. yelled." DAD COME HERE!" Stephens heart skipped a beat.

"D.J. please don't tell!" Stephen pleaded.

"DAD STEPHANS WEARING MY DR..." Stephen covered her month.

"D.J. please don't tell dad. I'll tell you why just don't tell me please." Stephen was crying now. D.J. noticed this.

"What?" Danny was yelling from downstairs probably cleaning something. "What was that?" "D.J. looked at Stephen again before yelling back.

"Never mind!"

"You kids play nice!" Danny yelled once again before going away. D.J. looked at Stephen who was wiping the tears away. D.J. saw more of her clothes on the floor and some makeup on Stephens face. D.J closed the door and locked it.

"Okay. Would you explain to me why you're wearing that." Stephen nodded.

"I wanna be a girl." Stephen said.

"You...wanna be a girl. I don't understand." D.J. replied.

"I don't like being a boy. I wanna be like you D.J. Have long pretty hair and clothes. Be a mom one day and look like our mom. I don't like my name or getting dirty. I want to be a girl." D.J. was quiet for a few seconds.

"Let's keep this a secret between you and be for a while. We'll figure this out. Until then you can secretly be my sister." Stephan smiled. "Now I have a sister to comb hair with and practice make up on. My sister Stephanie."


"You like it or so you want something else?"

"Like it? I love it!"

A couple weeks later at the library Stephanie and D.J. were trying to find books that could help. They found books on gender problems and being trans but most these focused on adults.
"I don't wanna look like that." Stephanie pointed to a picture of someone in a dress with big hands, jaw, and visible facial hair.

"Well you seem to have some of the problems described in this book. It sounds like you're a girl in a boys body."

"I told you!" Stephanie said.

"We're going to have to tell dad and the guys. If we don't you will look like these pictures. But if you get help early enough you could look like mom and me when you get older."
They decided to tell the guys over the weekend. Stephanie told them the truth.

"I feel like I'm a girl. I'm scared of being a big man with a deep voice. The truth is my name isn't Stephen; it's Stephanie. I'm your daughter dad. I'm a niece. I'm D.J's and Michelle sister. I'm a girl."

After the talk the guys had one with themselves.

"I don't know what to do." Danny said. "My only son wants to be a girl. I just..." Danny began to cry and rub his face. Joey rubbed his back."

"I know it's hard, Danny." Jesse said. "This isn't something that happens a lot. But you need to get him...her help. Son or daughter you want them alive and happy don't you?" Danny nodded.

"I've read a little about this." Joey said. "But never to a child. You should probably take Stephen to... or Stephanie to a theorist. See what goes from there."

"I know. I've already lost Pamela. I'm not losing someone else."

So Danny took took her to a theorist. After a few long weeks it was decided to let Stephen be Stephanie. She seemed much happier then before. Years passed and Stephanie was reaching her teen years. She was given blockers to prevent her body developing wrong. She was next given estrogen pills that allowed her to develop like a girl. She eventually had her final surgery when she was 16.

"Dad. Do you think mom would be proud to have me as a daughter?" Stephanie asked Danny.

"She was proud to have you as a daughter before she went." Danny said.

Stephen was long gone and Stephanie was here to stay.

"Wow." Jimmy said. "You've come a long way." Stephanie smiled.

"Thanks to my family. It would not have happened without them."

"You have any regrets?"

"No. I just wish I could have a baby. I can't get pregnant though. Ever." Stephanie said sadly.

"We'll adopt. You'll be a mother just like you were meant too." The couple hugged for their next step as parents.

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