Trans Vegeta (Dragonball Z)

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Vegeta was in a training room killing some sailbaman. Nappa was watching the young Prince kill them one by one by himself. Being the son of King Vegeta it was expected he would be strong. He was punching them kicking, blasting, and ripping them limb from limb. Gory stuff. He then sent a powerful blast turning the saibaman into dust.

"Really." Vegeta said. "I wish I had more to fight then these weaklings.

"Sorry, Vegeta." Nappa replied. "It's your fathers orders." Vegeta grunted. While his father accepted him as his son he still treated him like a daughter at times. He still believe Vegeta could not take cake of himself.
"Honesty. Sometimes father gets on my nerves." He killed one last saibaman before leaving the room. He took a towel and wiped the sweat off. A soldier who looked like an overgrown rat came in.

"Your highness. It's time for your shot."

"Very well." Every month Vegeta had to take a shot that was to morth his female body into a male 100%. It was still rather new so it was unknown if it could completely work. He got the shot and look it like the tough Prince he was. It was a thick needle but he didn't fear it. Now worms; worms were scary. Vegeta had been living as a Prince for a couple years now. Before that he was known as the Princess of all Saiyans. A title he despised. The feminine dresses were some of the worst. Usually he just wore his battle armor. His father made it sure that everyone make sure to call Vegeta a Prince and refer to him as male.

"Anyone who refers to my son as female or make fun of his transition on purpose will be punished for it." So most stayed quiet. It would be smart not to cross the King. There were two exceptions though. Lord Frieza and Lord Beerus. Beerus could destroy them with just the snap of a finger. Despite this he seemed to respect Vegetas decision. Frieza, on the other hand did not. He took it at whatever chance he got to torment Vegeta. There was one time that really took him off the scales; or scouter for that matter.

"Well, well well." An arrogant voice said. "How is our lovely Princess today?" Vegeta scowled.

"Leave me alone." Vegeta simply said.

"What? I was just commenting on your beauty, my lady."

"I mean it. Stop it." Vegeta was getting mad. Frieza had been at this all week.

"I'm just making sure the Saiyan Princess is okay. There's been talk that she think she's a boy and that by switching clothes and names she..."

"Shut up!" Vegeta yelled. He was red now. He wanted to kill this piece of crap now. He was clutching his fist ready to strike.

"Tsk Tsk." Frieza said. "That's not very lady like. Maybe I should tell your father."

"You know my father approves of my choice."

"Really? Your father can't stand up to his own daughter? No wonder he can't control such an insignificant race. Bunch of monkeys you are."

"If you're going to insult me fine go ahead, you coward. But if you insult my people I take that as a challenge."

"A challenge. You say you're willing to fight me?" Vegeta's throat got dry. Did he just really walk into this. But he couldn't back down. It would just give Frieza more ammo.

"Yes." Vegeta said. "Yes I do." Frieza smiled.

"Very well. Come to my ship tomorrow night. You can bring as many supporters as you want. And don't back down because you and your worthless monkey father will never hear the end of it." Vegeta grit his teeth. He had done it now. Word soon got out of the battle and his father wanted him out of it.

"I'm sorry son. I forbid it. Frieza will destroy you. I'm going to talk to him and..."

"No, father!" I'm going to fight him wither you like it or not! If you really see me as your son you will be there for me! Frieza has been nothing but a bastard to us all our lives. It's time someone stood up to him. I'm fighting him and there's nothing you can do to stop me. "Besides, there's a no kill rule anyway. Sad. I wanted to kill him.

The next day the fight is set. Vegeta and Frieza are in a big colosseum. Many people were in the stands cheering. Soon a referee shows up.

"This will be a one on one battle between Lord Frieza and Prince Vegeta. The rules are simple. Not hitting in the eyes. No hitting in the groin. No killing. The last one to be conscious wins. Let the battle begin!"
Vegeta bolted towered Frieza. He listed his fist to throw a punch but it was easily blocked. Vegeta then tried to kick him which was also blocked. Vegeta did a backflip a few times before charging at Frieza. He then threw some punches really fast and Frieza merely blocked them too. After a moment they both stopped. Vegeta was panting.

"Felling tired, Princess?" Frieza mocked.

"Not till I finish you." Vegeta charged at him again throwing more punches. Frieza just laughed.

"Honestly. I don't know why you insist on being called a man." Frieza said. "You're nothing but a kid playing dress up." Vegeta was then able to pull a punch and hit Frieza in the face.

"Ahh!" Frieza held his face in pain. "Why you, filthy little monkey!" Vegeta then kicked Frieza hard which sent him flying. He then moved fast and kicked Frieza to the other side, then up before using both knuckles to known him into the ground. Frieza was lying a moment before he got up.

"That's it." Frieza said angerly. "I'm done playing." Frieza moved fast and got behind Vegeta. He took both his arms and started stretching them causing Vegeta to cry in pain. Frieza then kicked Vegeta to the ground and put his face in the dirt.

"See." Frieza laughed. "You're dirt. No! Lower than it. You're a saiyan monkey!" Frieza then punched Vegeta multiple times causing him to bleed. "I think we're done here." Frieza began walking away proudly thinking he'd won. But then the people erupted in cheers and Frieza saw Vegeta in the air. Vegeta then sent dozens upon dozens of blast to Frieza.

"Who's lower than dirt now, Bastard!" He sent dozens more before sending a Big Bang attack on the ground destroying the ring. Dirt was everywhere and people were looking to see where Frieza was. As it cleared it was shown Frieza was still standing. Scratched and hurt but standing.

"What?" Vegeta yelled. "That was my ultimate attack!"

"My turn." Frieza said darkly. Like Vegeta Frieza went in the air and sent dozens of blast to Vegeta who was too stunned to dodge. After that he sent a powerful red blast that almost destroyed the colosseum. People had to get out or they would have been killed. As the dirt cleared Vegeta was shown on the ground in pain. Alive, but in pain. Frieza walked up to him with a mean smile.

"It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman. You're always be a worthless monkey." He gave Veegta one last punch before leaving. When he was gone King Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz went to his side.
"Son." King Vegeta said. "My son, are you okay?"

"I failed." Vegeta said weakly.

"No. You didn't. You made us proud. You stayed until he end to prove yourself. You don't need to win to prove your my son or a saiyan. I've never been more proud of you." King Vegeta smiled.

"You can count me in on that." Nappa said.

"Me three." Raditz joined in.

"Come, my son. Let's get you healed up." That all got up to go and heal Vegeta.

"Father." Vegeta said softly. "Thank you. For everything. For letting me be your son and for letting me fight. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Son."

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