11. Its Okay

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September 5, 5:42
Karl POV.

Practice was weird this past week with Dream on the sidelines. Johnson came back and was our replacement goalie until Dream got the go ahead so he could play again. I didn't like Johnson that much. He was a bad person, one of those guys that was just a stereotypical jock. Being masculine was definitely one of his very few personality traits. If he even had a any.

We wrapped up practice a few minutes ago, going overtime again. Didn't throw up though, so I'm still going great. I stood and waited outside of Sapnap's car as I waited for him as he was talking to Dream about something. Probably the team and how he wanted to play.

Sapnap soon departed from our friend and jogged to me grinning from ear to ear. "What?"
I asked as he unlocked the car. "Just wait. Your moms are still cool about the group sleeping over tonight right?" He asked. I nodded and replied "yes," as I got into the vehicle. "Then you'll find out then." I nodded.

"Do you want me to drop you off or can I just stay over. I already packed my bag." He motioned towards the backseat where an orange duffel bag lay. "I don't think they'll care. They love you." We both laughed. "Do they Jacobs?" He asked eyeing me. "Stop," I could stop laughing.

I don't know how much time had passed but I had eventually stopped laughing. "You good there Jacobs, thought you were dying for a second. I couldn't see you breath between your wheezes, your almost as bad as Dream." Sapnap joked. "Shut up." I replied.

Saps phone buzzed while he was stopped at a light. "Could you read me the text, it's probably from Dream. Don't wanna disobey the law." I nodded and grabbed his phone. "It's from Dream! And it says: See you at 6:45 I'm picking George up and Q will meet us there." Sapnap smiled.

"Just leave him on read, should be used to it now anyways." He couldn't stop making me smile, I loved it. He pulled up to my house and put the car in park. "I'll grab my bags, you can go inside I'll be right in after, okay?" He sounded like my moms when they need to talk seriously to Aniston or I.

I slung my bag across my back and walked words me home. I was immediately greeted by my brother. "You're back! Momma said your friends are staying over! Can I stay with you guys?" He pleaded with a horrible attempt at puppy dog eyes. I shook my head. "Sorry Stan, not today okay." "You always say that though!" He whined, I looked behind him at our parents who weren't even paying attention.

I shook my head and walked upstairs to my room. I threw my bag onto my floor and stared at it. I had a test on Monday already and I wasn't ready for it, plus the game on Sunday without Dream and I was worried I was going to fail. Both the test and my team, plus losing the game on top of all that would suck. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. And voice in my head kept repeating "who are you and where are you?"

"You good Jacobs?" I heard Sapnap ask. I didn't answer I just balled my hands into fists. "Hey, Remember. Okay. It's just stress, remember. Karl look at me." I opened my eyes and turned to him, he looked worried. I knew he had seen me like this before in a much worse state but this just felt more embarrassing. He gently let his bag fall to the floor and he opened his arms. I walked to him and hugged him gently, wanting to melt into it.

"What is it this time?" He asked, hugging me back. "Test, and game on Sunday." He nodded. "In all fairness your test is in History on the states and the game's against Whitman a school who hasn't won a game in thirty years. But I understand the stress." It made me feel a bit better. I pulled away from the hug and said quietly "I'm gonna shower in my moms shower, you can shower in mine. You know where it is, right down the hall?" He nodded, "it's not the first time Karl." I nodded and grabbed my color block hoodie and black sweatpants and headed to the shower, with Sapnap doing the same.

We got out about ten minutes later and did pretty much nothing until Dream arrived with George. Dream walked through the door looking at Sapnap, "Let's go, party's in the North end of town it'll take us thirty minutes to get there if we leave now." I was confused. "Party? What party? I though you were staying over?" I questioned.

"Sorry Karl." Dream said sounding not very sorry. "What about my my moms I can leave without telling them where I'm going." "Already asked them, they said your good. So c'mon let's get going." Dream was clapping his hands together and twirling his arms around, telling us we had to go to the dumb party.

I sighed and walked out of my room. "Let's go Karl!" Dream said as he patted my back. I walked downstairs and looked at my parents, they just smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. Great, Dream wasn't lying. Yay.

We were finally in Dreams car before I asked who the party's house was at. "It's at the Craft family's house." Dream said smiling. "Why're we going to a party at Will and Technos house, I thought you hated them?" George asked. "Just wanted to say hello to a few old friends and tell them to have a good season." Dream drove away from my house and to his friends house. Tonight was going to be a nightmare.

Word count: 994

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