Chapter 3

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As I walk into work, I find Draco stands in Snape's office. He glances to me as I walk by and, I swear, he looks mortified.

He looks me over, before Snape looks to me with a smirk.

When I continue on, I walk up to my desk and Ron comes to sit on the edge of it "When were you going to tell me you're shagging someone? I'm your best mate."

I furrow my brow as I spot Draco walking out of Snape's office, already on his mobile.

When I get a message, I pull out my phone and find a text "He knows."

I reply back with a simple "How?"

He replies not three seconds later "Said McGonagall went by your flat to get the rifle from Granger. Saw my jaguar in your visitors park. Decided to tell Snape to find out if it was mine. They both said they'd keep it a secret, but my father already knows and he's coming in today to breif a case."

I glance up to find him texting away, before I reply "Stop."

"Breathe." I reply, before watching him take a breath. He deletes his message and starts typing again.

"Whatever happens, happens."

I reply with a simple "It will be alright."

He places his mobile down and looks down at it, holding his hand beside it. He glances to me with a meek smile, before sitting at his desk and staring at his computer screen.

After a long moment, I place my mobile down and turn to Ron "The morning meeting is in fifteen. I'm getting a cupa before."

As I step towards the break room, I spot Malfoy making a cup. I step in and ask "Is the kettle still warm?"

He glares back at me, before declaring "Piping."

He's silent as I grab a mug and a teabag. As I fill my mug, he asks "How'd the French assassination go?"

"NC actually got that one." I state, before stirring in milk and sugar "Great spy, he is. I guess you could say it's in his blood."

He gives a weak smile, before sipping his tea "Flattery will get you nowhere with me, James. Your father knew that, when he was still present."

I hum, before declaring "Potter was killed, working a case with you, was he not?"

He gives a regretful look "He saved my life, once or twice. Too bad the last time, he couldn't save himself."

I nod in agreement, before asking "And Evans?"

He furrows his brow "She would have followed Potter to the ends of the earth. Only fitting that she followed him to his death."

I hum in response, before checking out the door to find Draco staring in horror "Let's cut right to the chase, I know you don't like me."

"Not in the slightest." He states, before motioning towards Draco "But if he likes you, I can guarantee that I'm not saying anything about that to him."

He steps forward and lowers his voice "If you hurt my son, so help me, I will kill you."

I give a short nod, before remarking "Good to see we're on the same page."

Another agent walks in and Malfoy looks to me "See you in the briefing."

I hum, before returning to my cup.


Draco and I both got a case.

He's being shipped to the states. I'm being shipped to Guatemala.

As we lay in bed, he checks his watch and sighs "My flight is in the morning."

I check my watch and sigh "Mine is in three hours."

He hums, before kissing my chest "Remember me as a reason to come back."

"I have plenty of reasons to come back." I whisper against his lips "You are just the icing on the cake."

As he places a soft kiss against my lips, my alarm goes off. He sighs, before rubbing my chest "Work calls."

As we sit up, I turn off my alarm. He pulls the sheets over himself.

While I pack my bag, he asks "What did you and my father talk about?"

I furrow my brow and state "He just was wondering about my parents."

He furrows his brow "He knew your parents?"

I nod, before declaring "They were at the agency." He cocks an eyebrow to me and I state "They died on a mission."

I cock an eyebrow to him and he furrows his brow at me "Why didn't I know that?" I shrug, before placing the mission report in my bag.

As I pack, he asks "Father used to work with them?" I nod as I toss my phone charger in.


As I sit on the plane, my phone buzzes and I find a call from Draco. Silently, I pick it up and answer "Hey, what's up?"

"I'm just leaving your place." He states, before asking "How do you want me to lock up?"

"Potted plant." I state and he sighs, before I hear the door lock.

"You would think you'd find a better way to hide the spare key."

I hum, before shrugging it off "You would think we'd be together on this flight."

Hermione stirs in the seat next to me, before I ask "Does your plane have Wi-Fi?"

"It should." He states, before I hum, tiredly "My cab is here, but I can stay on the call."

Hermione looks to me and I lower my voice "Good, I love your voice early in the morning."

He hums, before Hermione asks "Is that him?" I give a short nod, before she smiles, boldly "Let me talk to him?"

I shake my head and she pouts, before I hear him asks "Is now a bad time?"

"No." I state, immediately. I look to Hermione and shake my head, before asking "How did you sleep?"

He gives a smug "We both know we didn't do much sleeping."

We spend the rest of my flight talking, until I'm about to land. I tell him "We're about to land. I've got to go."

He sighs "Yeah, Zabini and Parkinson are asleep. I'm going to doze off. Bye, love you."

When he hangs up, I turn to Hermione and asks "What does it mean when someone says 'bye, love you'."

She cocks an eyebrow to me and asks "Bye, love you or bye, love you." I glare at her and she states "Maybe it was a mistake."

I furrow my brow and ask "Was it?"

She cocks an eyebrow to me and asks "Do you love him, back?"

I sigh, before declaring "I don't know."

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