Chapter 9

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As we run through the forest, Hagrid in tow, Draco speaks into his earpiece "Get the crank ready! We're going to need a quick getaway!"

Hermione declares "It's ready, just get back here!"

As gunfire rips the trees behind us, Draco motions me on "Get him connected. I'll hold them off."

I stand my ground as he holds out his automatic "Go, Harry. I'm right behind you."

I give him a tender kiss, before ordering "You better be."

As I start to hook Hagrid up, I glance back to find Draco covering my ass. Once Hagrid is on the chopper, Draco calls out "Get a move on!"

He pushes down on his earpiece and calls out "Zabini, Parkinson, what's your ETA?"

When we don't get an answer, he sighs and looks back to me "Go, Harry!"

Reluctantly, I pull myself up the rope to get to the chopper. Once I'm up, Draco calls through the earpiece "Zabini, Parkinson, I can't hold them much longer!"

I scream from the top of the chopper "NC!" He looks up for a brief second, before pressing down his earpiece.

"Zabini! Parkinson!"

When we get no response, I call down to him "Come on! They aren't coming!"

He takes in a deep breath, before pressing down his earpiece "Zabini, Parkinson, if you can hear me, I'm sorry. We have to go."

He stands there for a long moment, before shaking his head. When he starts to climb the rope, an M939 truck comes from the trees, collides into Draco, causing him to fall from the rope.

As the truck barrels over him, I scream out in shock. Hermione turns to the pilot and screams "We gotta go! Now!"

As we start to fly away, I scream "We've got to turn around! Draco is still down there!"

Hermione grabs hold of my shoulder and tells me "He's gone, Harry. I'm so sorry."

I slide down the wall and hold my head in my hands.

For the rest of the ride back to the agency, Hermione and Ron try to lure me out. I just sit there in shock.


When we land, Lucius steps towards me and sits next to me. He's silent for a long moment, before he asks, somberly "Did it happen quickly?"

I set my jaw and state "He hit his head on the windshield. I don't think-"

Sobs escape my lips and I bury my face into my knees. He pulls me towards him and hugs me to his chest. He sighs, before telling me "He loved you. He didn't say it, but, the way he looked at you."

I wipe my face and tell him "I loved him, too."

He nods, before sighing "Can you tell me more?"

I furrow my brow and state "He was covering me, while I was getting Hagrid hooked up. Told me to go. He was waiting for Zabini and Parkinson, but they weren't responding. He started climbing up, and the truck came."

He nods, before wiping a tear from his eye. He's silent for a long moment, before asking "Can I do anything?"

I take in a deep breath and state "I need some time off." He nods, before I clear my throat "I suggest you do the same."

He clears his throat "Yeah, I'm going to go over to his flat." He clears his throat and states "Pack up his stuff, when I'm ready."

I nod, before he asks "Would you like any of his belongings?"

I shrug, before telling him "Whatever you're willing to give me."

He nods, before taking in a deep breath "Okay."

After a long moment, he wipes more tears from his eyes and stares "When you first started with the agency, I remember he ran into my office and asked who you were. He was so infatuated with you, for some reason." He shrugs "I never got it, but I remember looking over at him while I went to get a cup of tea. He was staring at you with the biggest smile on his face."

He's silent for a long moment, before declaring "I started watching you, after that. You would stare at him when he wasn't staring at you. It was like watching a show where you scream at the characters to just get to it, already."

I give him a pleased smile and he sighs "After he was abducted, he lacked a fire in his eyes. I've only seen it once, since. And that's when he looks at you." His facial features goes sour as he corrects "Looked."

I set my jaw and sigh "I miss holding him." He nods and I look at him, fondly "I miss his quiet snoring. I miss the way his hair smells. I miss-" I lose my words as tears come to my eyes "I miss him."

He furrows his brow and sighs "I do, too."

He's silent for a long moment, before declaring "I started to see a glimpse of the son I once lost, while he was with you. I thought, for sure, you would give me back my son." He nods "In part, you did."

I take in a deep breath and sigh "I never thought-" something comes to mind and he looks at me questioningly "Who did Zabini and Parkinson get that order from?"

He gives a confused look, before his expression goes pissed. He stands and states "I'm going to poke around, but my guess is that they were going paid by the death eaters to get Draco."

I set my jaw and state "The would make sense." A thought comes to mind and I ask "Do you think they were the one's driving the truck?"

He nods, before grabbing his mobile. He's silent for a moment, before he states "Snape, we have double agents. Zabini and Parkinson led NC into a trap."

He continues with a short call, before hanging up and telling me "They're now on our death list."

I furrow my brow and ask "We have a death list?"

He furrows his brow and states "It's the last page on your quarterly review." I hum, before he sighs "You don't read them, do you?"

I shake my head and he nods, before sighing "That explains why you came to work when you were suspended."

I furrow my brow and ask "When was I suspended?"

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