Chapter 12

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Two days later, I stand by Draco's side. On his opposite side, is a physical therapist. A gate belt is wrapped around his waist as we hold him up. As he supports his weight, I smile at him "Feel good?"

Tears stream down his face as he asks the physical therapist "Can I try to take a step?"

He gives a weak smile, before giving a short nod "Let's see how far you can get."

Draco looks down, joyfully, before taking a step forward. As he supports himself, I smile. He takes another step and pride runs through me.

When he takes another step, I feel his knee buckling. The physical therapist sits him back on the bed and Draco's joy begins to melt away. As he retreats inside himself, the physical therapist begins "It's a very good start."

Draco looks to him and asks "Have you ever gotten full functionality in someone with similar injuries with my level of atrophy?"

The physical therapist gives him a weak smile, before declaring "No." Draco sighs and the therapist continues "But I have gotten 80%."

Draco takes in a deep breath "How long?"

He gives him a weak smile "As long as it takes."

Draco gives an annoyed look and asks "How long did the last person take?"

He gives a soft smile "Three years."

Draco sighs and the therapist insists "This is where the hard part begins."

Draco scoffs in anger and looks away, before declaring "This wasn't the hard part."

The therapist furrows his brow and asks "How so?"

Draco turns to him and hisses "The hard part was being beaten, raped, and tortured, for a year. Or telling the people that love me to just let me die. Being held hostage, by a psychopath, and having to taste the metal of the barrel of a gun that was shoved in my mouth. A game of Russian roulette, every morning, to see if they finally got the right chamber this time." He shakes his head and states "This isn't anywhere close to the hard part. This is just the aftermath."

The physical therapist gives an amused look and states "It doesn't have to be."

Draco gives a confused look and the therapist explains "This is what you have control over. This is as beneficial as you make it." He rests his hand on Draco's shoulder "Learn how to walk again, to begin living instead of just surviving." Draco looks up to him as he smiles "This is the hard part, getting better." He pats his shoulder "Get better, to begin healing."

The therapist steps back as it begins to sink into Draco's brain "That's enough for today. We'll get you on your feet, tomorrow. See in those knee and foot exercises are helping."

As he begins to walk out, Draco calls out "Doc?" He pokes his head back in and Draco gives a weak smile "Thank you."

The therapist smiles, before stepping out.


As the days pass, Draco manages to get a little more done. He was fitted for a wheelchair, with much disapproval from him. He's able to walk a few feet, and completely use the bathroom by himself.

Even as he's still malnourished and underweight, he's managed to put on a stone. After two weeks in the hospital, I wheel Draco into our flat and begin showing him around. When we walk into the nursery, Draco asks "Do you know when Scorpio will be back?"

I take in a deep breath and tell him "Hermione and Ron are dropping him off tomorrow morning, before work."

He takes a moment, before asking "Are you going back?"

I give him a warm smile "Maybe, when you're better. But, until then, I'm just happy to be here with you."

He takes in a deep breath, before looking to the crib. He sits there in thought until I ask "Are you okay?"

He sits there for a long moment before stating "I'm finding it hard to believe." He looks at me weakly "I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that I made it out alive."

I give him a proud smile, before leaning down to give him a kiss "I'm right here with you, darling."

He gives a soft smile, before asking "Do you mind if I just take a nap? The drive made me tired."

I give him a soft kiss and state "I'll make dinner. You take a nap."

He gives me a tired smile and I take hold of the handles of his chair. As I roll him to bed, he rests his hand over mine, in a rather uncomfortable position. I can't help but smile at his soft gesture of affection.

When I wheel him into the bedroom, he looks around and I ask "Are you alright?"

He takes a deep breath, before asking "Stay with me?"

I give him a warm smile, before declaring "I can do that."

After he gets comfortable in bed, I slide in next to him and hold his slender frame. He slowly rolls himself over and looks at me with his soft blue eyes. Platinum locks lay over most of his face. I can't help but smile down at him.

As I do, a familiar smile spreads across his face and I rest my hand on his cheek, softly brushing over his lips "There you are." I tell him, softly.

He places a kiss on my thumb and speaks softly "I'm right here with you."

I lean forward and place a kiss on his forehead. As I pull away, he places a gentle kiss on my lips. Immediately, I kiss back, and he smiles softly into the kiss. When he places his fingertips to my lips, he explains to me "I dreamt of this. I had this exact scenario to keep me going. And I never thought I'd get to kiss you again."

I give him a soft smile "Never stop."

He gives a soft blush, before placing a long firm kiss to my lips. And as he begins to drift to sleep, I can't help but cherish the sound of his gentle snoring.

And after staring at him for a couple of hours, he begins to ruffle his nose, ever so slightly. His snoring begins to fade and his eyes slowly start blinking open.

When I finally set my eyes on those beautiful blue eyes, I understand exactly what I'm feeling. I know I lay my eyes on my future husband, and I'm sure that there's nobody else like him.

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