Chapter 5

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The following morning, our alarms blare in our ears. I turn mine off and roll over to find Draco dead asleep over his alarm.

With a soft smile, I turn off his alarm, and begin kissing his neck. As I trail kisses down his body, he hums himself awake.

By the time I place kisses on his thigh, he looks down at me, playfully "What do you think you're doing?"

I kiss him thigh and and declare "Figured you might like a wake-up call."

He hums as I take him in my mouth. He chuckles, before settling in.


As we pull up next to each other in the Hogwarts car park, he takes out his mobile and texts me "Is it bad that all I want to do is fuck you on my desk?"

I smirk at my mobile, before texting back "Now you're speaking my language."

As I push send, I get a message from Hermonie "You two are so obvious."

I look over to find her digging around her trunk. Draco's mobile buzzes and he picks up, asking "What do you need, Malfoy?"

He clears his throat and states "I'm walking in, now. I'll sit my bag down and meet you in your office."

As I pass in front of him to get to Hermione, he smiles at me and tells his father "Yes, sir."

When I get to Hermione's trunk, she asks "How did last night go?"

I hum as I watch him walk away "Not as good as this morning."

She smirks, before asking "Do you two even talk?"

I nod, before declaring "We had a discussion last night. It got a bit heated."

She gives a questioning look, before I state "He told me he didn't love me, then I got pissed off and told him where I'm at, and then he told me, because of his past relationships, he didn't think anybody could feel this way about him, and he essentially told me he's not ready to tell me he loves me, but he feels it."

She nods, before asking me "Where are you at in all of this?"

Ron pulls up next to me and steps out of his car as I sigh "I'm ready to settle down. Even if I'm still doing this job, I just want to have the stability of the same person in my bed, every night. I want to wake up to that sexy, brilliant, beautiful, face everyday."

She gives a warm smile as Ron asks "You're dating someone?"

I give a short nod, before he states "I wanna meet your new girlfriend."

I take in a deep breath, before sighing "I don't know about that, Weasley."

Ron shrugs, before asking "What do you think about a couple of beers, tonight?"

I clear my throat and declare "I'll have to ask."

As I stand and pull out my mobile, he asks "What was going on with NC yesterday? He seemed awfully silent for his usual gabburing."

I text Draco and declare "Weasley and Granger want to have a drink with us after work."

He texts back, immediately "Drinks, as in work colleagues, or drinks, as in meet my new boyfriend?"

I take in a deep breath and text "He wants to meet my new 'girlfriend'."

He doesn't reply as I start towards the building. When I get to the elevator, he asks "He doesn't even know you're gay, does he?"

I text back as Ron and Hermione steps into the elevator "No, but they're my best friends. Granger knows, and she figured out that I'm with you. She doesn't care, and she would be there to calm down Weasley, if he doesn't like it."

He takes a minute to respond. It isn't until I walk into the office that my mobile buzzes. I walk by to find Draco in Malfoy's office.

As I pull out my mobile, I hear Malfoy call out "James! Get in here!"

I look to Ron and Hermione and motion them on. When I step in the office, Draco turns to me with a weak smile as Malfoy declares "I've got a mission for you. You six will need to work together on this one."

I furrow my brow and ask "What is it?"

He hands me the file and I skim over it, before asking "Infiltrating a terriost cell to recover, who?"

He leans back and states "One of ours."

Draco takes a minute, before telling me "Hagrid. He was doing some type of explosive trade off, and they go ahold of him."

I nod, before asking "When do we leave?"

Draco sighs "Tomorrow night. We don't have to come in until two."

I nod, before Draco sighs "What should I wear?"

I furrow my brow and declare "Just come over. We can get comfortable in some pajamas, I'll start dinner, and if you want, we can smash down a couple bottles of wine before they come over."

He smiles at me "Sounds like a plan."

I furrow my brow and state "If you get nervous, you can watch telle in the bedroom and I'll try to shove them out as soon as possible."

He smiles at me, before giving my hand a light squeeze "Thanks."

I smile down at him "Thank you. You don't have to do this."

He smiles, and I look to Malfoy "Is that all?"

He nods and I step out of the office. When I step over to my desk, Ron asks "What do we have?"

I toss the file down and declare "We leave tomorrow night. We don't have to come in until 2 tomorrow."

He smiles, before asking "How drunk are we getting tonight?"

I pull out my mobile to find the message from Draco "Fine, but I expected them to be gone by midnight."

I smile, before looking to Ron "Come over around seven. Be gone by midnight."

Ron smirks and asks "What's her name?"

I take in a deep breath, not looking up from my paperwork "Not here, Weasley."

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