Chapter 4 : Can some call the "SECURITY" ?

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I didn't take my chances. Dave warned me not to do so. "Don't mess with the Devil", his words didn't let me move an inch.

There must be a reason right ? Right ??

I looked around as we got out of the cell. Some big machine stood before us. These was a thumb scanner at its left side. I bet it was some kinda food distribution machine.

To my left was another cell, where a blue light flickered in between. Revealing nothing but some instruments here and there, some machines too at the corners.

I thought I saw a human like figure too. But I wasn't sure of it, by as the light was too dim.

The cell at my right, looked kind of haunted. It was pitch black. No lights. Nothing at all. Just darkness. I felt as if someone was being killed in that cell. "NOOO", he seemed to scream.

"Anything's wrong kid ?", Dave asked me.
"Na, nothing", I said as I joined the queue getting a last glimpse of that cell. Something was definitely odd right here. This wasn't an average prison.

"You worried about the Ma'am ?", he continued to ask.
"Not exactly. But why this weird name though ?"
"They even call her the Devil's mistress", he remarked as he joined the queue too.

I waited for like 10-15 mins till my turn came. I pressed my thumb against the panel. The machine beeped and a dish of protein cake come out.

"Gross ", I commented. I looked around for a place to sit. That's when someone snatched the dish off my hands.

"Hey" I protested. There was this bald, young guy full of muscles holding my plate. He just laughed. "Give it back man", I argued. "I said give it back", I yelled.

"Never", he remarked and prepared to go elsewhere. But I too had my own plans. I jumped and leaped onto him, giving him me a blow on his back.

"Oww", my fist hurt as it hit his rock solid body, but that man.. he looked least affected.

He just turned back. "How, dare you?!", he said and charged towards me.

I defended his first attack. I evaded the second. Soon, I was just running around the area. Just then, an arrow stopped me in my tracks.


It came and just pierced the metal floor 2 feet in front of me. I stopped. So did that guy.

I looked above, some camouflaged archers up on the ceiling gaps.
"Keep away", They yelled.

That guy retreated. But before doing so, he showed me his arm. A clear "028" on his shoulder. The one like Dave.

It was carved on them...

He dropped my dish, "I don't care", he said. "Knock it off, kid", Dave told him. But Mr.028 was least bothered.

"Keep away from him. keep away from the archer, keep away from... everything", Dave warned me again.

"Who are the archers?", I asked.
"They are responsible for the security here. If they spot anyone going against the rules, they have a right kill him on the spot", Dave told me. "The Devil's guards", he called them.

"What's with these analogies ?! Are you trying to scare me ?", I enquired.

"You better watch your back, kid", He said instead, as he went away. "They call this place, the Hell."

The break ended maybe an hour later.

We were back to our cells. The other guys were taking an hour a nap. But I was restless as I pondered over David's analogies.

He referred to that Ma'am as Devil's Mistress.
He referred to the archers as the Devil's guards.
If they are what they say they are..

Who is the Devil ?
Was it Jayesh ?..

My last memory of the outer world flashed back. His treacherous face seemed to haunt me. He wasn't the Jayesh that I knew.

Could it be ?!

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