Chapter 13 : Escaping the black hole

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I was able to extract the required gene sequence out of the suit finally. Now I had to make a sacrifice- another test subject. The one that passed derogatory remarks on Neha's photo.

His deteriorating body laid ahead of me. The neurotoxin was so powerful that it killed him in mere seconds.

I noted to the sequence again. Again. And again. But I couldn't find anything that made sense.

Well it was a human DNA.. but the base pairing and all, it was totally different. I wonder how could anyone have such a sequence. Maybe, he didn't...

"Mr.Omkar", the bars opened and a feminine figure walked in. It was the ma'am, as expected. "I see you are making progress on your work. That's Good."

"Once, I get the suit working, I'm gonna blast you off with your stupid officers. I'll fire this place up when I leave", I smirked.

"Remember this thing, Mr.Omkar. This is your final chance", she said and passed a food packet to me. "I controlled myself last time, but it won't happen again. I give you my word on it."

"Word huh ? The man you said.. that made the suit for him.. he didn't exist, did he ?", I yelled.

"So what ? Wasn't it obvious ?
I would've used him, just like I'm using you..

the only thing you need to remember if that if you fail, I'll kill you", she said and went out.

"The Devil's mistress", I hummed.

Days passed. Maybe months. I tried to gather various stuff. I ordered some via the guards too. The plan was to make a synthetic DNA with that exact gene sequence by multiple reactions.

I needed zinc vapours, high temperature. Atleast, I could make a real one with that. Sort of.

Then, I'll deal with how to propagate that sequence all around the body. I finally ordered everything I needed all at once. I was gonna do it finally.

"Omkar, come here, kid..", suddenly I heard Dave's voice. He was crying. He was in the suit. Trapped. "Save me, kid. I'm dying in here. These people aren't good. They'll kill you too", he seemed to say.

I was hallucinating and I knew it. But I couldn't control myself. I went slowly towards the suit... The coffin.. and opened its cover.

"Hey ! Get back !", Someone shouted from the speakers. I didn't care. The suit.. Dave.. he needed me.

I removed the suit. The sirens started wailing.
"HANDS UP !!", someone shouted. I put on the shoulder strap of the suit. I heard a SWOOSHHH.

My senses worked and I quickly ducked. The arrow passed by my side and hit the ignition from where the zinc vapours started to leak. I saw myself as half of the suit has covered up my body already.

I began to choke because of the zinc vapours. I put my hands up. Someone said shot me on my stomach. I fell down on the nitrogenase solution I was working on earlier. I heard many gun shots.

But I felt numb. I felt like being packed into something.

I kinda blacked out for a second or two. The suit had put the neurotoxin in me. I felt all liquids around me, they had a strong smell.

Chemicals ?

Maybe the officers kicked the flasks here and there, while searching for me..


I stood up all of a sudden. Like a reflex. I ran towards the guards and punched all of them in their faces. With one full swing kick in the ma'am's face.

Knock out.

The archers aimed their arrows at me, but I catched them all. It felt like I was very fast, I climbed up to the ceiling and threw each of the archers down to the floor.

I saw my hands- they were covered by the suit.

What the he-
I had a hood on. The suit had it. I was wearing the complete suit. How was I not dead already ?


I made my way to the upper door. I pressed my palm on it. It somehow recognised it. I don't know why as usual.

The door opened to reveal a workplace. A laboratory. Some bunch of scientists her and there. They screamed and ran off with my arrival.

They were making something. Whatever it was, it wasn't legal I was sure. I packed all of it with the explosives I'd found. I took down whoever who opposed me.

Finally, I got out of the underground facility just in time. And then, BOOOOMMM!!!!!
Like they do it in the movies.

Was I hallucinating again ? No this was real.
It was damn real. I couldn't believe it. I was out.

Out of that hell.

A long stretch of green forests stood before me. Where was I ? That's when I started to feel dizzy. My heart paced fast.

Uh oh. I fell on the ground.

I had escaped from the hell. But at the same time, I'd freed the Devil.

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