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Aaron sat on the chair with a clenched jaw and stern look on his face. The sight of her smiling with Kevin didn't pleased him much. He ordered to serve him food followed by Mia who came to serve him.Alaina could see that Mia pulled her dress downward to expose her already showed half breasts with a seductive smile on her face. Even she touched him by the shoulder in order to seduce him when she came around him to pour him the glass of juice. Alaina didn't like her much before but now she could feel a little bit hatred towards her.Alaina diverted her eyes as she couldn't see the seen more and stood up as she almost completed her breakfast."You done?" Asked Kevin." Yes I am full." She spoke with a polite smile and went inside the kitchen to help Valerie.

Umera came outside to ask them if they need anything but rolled her eyes when saw Mia almost clinging to Aaron. She always wanted all of his attention but he only uses her like a mistress nothing more.

"Enough of your seducing now go to work " Umera said as she approached Mia and grabbed her by her elbow glaring at her. She scoffed at her and went inside the kitchen to find Valerie and Alaina talking.

"Don't you think that you should start working now" Alaina raised her head to look at Mia with a sinister smile on her face proud to get close to Aaron.

"Don't start Mia" Valerie rolled her eyes at her to make her stop her bull shit .

"What?" Mia stared at her. " She is not a queen here . She is a human and you know humans here have to die or they have to become our slave." She scoffed at her.

" This decision is of the king and if he decided then she will be his slave not ours and secondly if you find your seat of mistress in danger than let me remind you there are plenty of other mistresses you should afraid of" Valerie spoke which brought up a smile on Alaina's face as she took her side before Mia which warm her heart. If Lidia would be there she would also do this or might be pull her hairs to make her bald. A chuckle escaped from Alaina's mouth as she imagined Mia without her red hairs.

"What are you laughing at? Mia dragged Valerie at one side to come face to face with Alaina. Alaina seemed a few inches shorter than Mia. But she kept her head raised to make an eye contact with her who was glaring at her with hatred . Mia's face was flushed due to anger but Alaina's face was stern.

"I am just thinking that how a miserable life of a mistress is ,I mean they easily allow the king to use them whenever they want and then throw them away like a piece of trash" Alaina said with a sorrowful expression but startled when Mia raised her hand to slap her as she turned her face away closing her eyes but opened them when nothing happened.

" Easy there red-head" said Kevin who grabbed her by her wrists to stop her."Don't you know your duty that is just to spread your legs for the king , you are just a slave here and for a slave it doesn't suit to get in a fight with a guest. If you have forgotten what you are then I can help in reminding you" Kevin released her wrists with a smirk on his face and walked outside the kitchen.

Alaina hissed at his harshness of words. She looked with pity towards Mia who was standing with a flushed face due to embarrassment. Alaina could see glint if tears in her eyes. She cursed herself to get in a fight with her as she didn't want to hurt her feelings like that. She would be forced by them to become a mistress.

Alaina walked towards her to soothe her by placing her hand on her shoulder but Mia jerked it away and got back to her work. Alaina shook her head. Almost every work was done in the kitchen so she walked outside to find Aaron staring at her with intense emotions.

She walked past him but he in a swift came in front of her which almost stopped her heart.

"You are no more a guest here. It is your home now like others. It's better to realize it as soon as possible." She looked up to see him as he was very much taller than her but her nose still reached only up to his neck.

He was eyeing her head to toe as she made his heart flutter in this gown with one side of neck exposed inviting him to drain her blood away.

" It's not my home " she said firmly trying to make an eye contact.

" It's better for you to think it like a home as you can't get out from here ever" he said while smirking at her." By the way learn to fight for yourself here no one come to save you always. " With that he walked away. She was startled hearing him as how could he hear that was happening in the kitchen .

" He can as he is a king so he have all the enchantments a vampire could possibly have." She jumped when she heard Umera behind her as she came out if her thoughts.

"" She was shocked that she could sense what's going in her mind."I have this ability to sense what others are thinking with a 1 meter of distance." She said signaling to the distance of half metre between us.

" Oh" she didn't know what to say next. She was worried thinking about if Aaron could do this too then he knew everything what she felt about him in the camps.

"No he can not sense it without making eye contact with you " Umera chuckled in her grave voice making her to abruptly stepped back to make a distance of more than 1 metre between them.

"Let's get to work " Umera signalled her to follow her and she followed making an appropriate distance between them. They entered the hall room where maids and workers were busy in their work. Umera assigned her the work of embroidery as she handed her the materials . Alaina looked at her as she didn't know anything about it.

"Don't you have machines here . It's 21 century after all" Alaina said while looking at the materials with a pout.

" Do you think we vampire need any machinery. We can work more faster than machines " Umera signalled her to see others who were working like robots in a very fast pace. Her jaw almost dropped when she saw them like that.

" Let me teach you " Umera said while sitting beside her.

She started teaching her and she didn't know when the sun set and moon arrived but she only learnt how to insert thread into the needle. But was thankful about Umera's tolerance which was great that she didn't scold her.

Her back pained a little when she stood up and took a sigh when saw the workers doing their work in the same pace without even a single hint of fatigue on their faces. She walked towards her room but halted in steps when heard someone's moaning and screaming. She followed the source of sound and stopped in front of the room where she was woke up after fainting in Aaron's grip.

She entered the room and the sight in front of her made her to choke.There he saw Aaron sitting on the couch and Mia between his thighs sucking his manhood.

Mia looked at her in hatred as she intrupted her moment. But Aaron's expression wasn't changed because he sensed her presence earlier.

"Ooh.. I ..I am sorry..." She said while placing her hands on her eyes with crimson color cheeks as they both were naked. " I..I am going " she felt an ache in her heart seeing him with someone else but turned back to go back.

"Stop" his voice echoed in the room as he as he wear his pants. Mia looked at him in shocked as he dragged her away and signalled her to go outside.She walked past her throwing daggers at her away who standing facing the door.

" Come here" he ordered her.


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