Second Queen

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She was standing in front of the royal vanity table when Umera and Valerie entered the room with bridal accessories and gown. Umera signalled the maids to out all things on the bed so they did and walked out of the room.

She looked at her dress which was maroon in color with black colored embroidery of shimmer, indeed the dress was beautiful so the other jeweleries and shoes  but her heart was not happy to see all that instead it became more sad.

It was a big step in her life but no one was there her mother her one and only friend Lidia no one was there except these creatures. This wasn't the life she wanted . She just needed a simple and stable life with a perfect job in a publishing company, as she loved to read and write, in a small yet beautiful house with her mother. But she got a life which wasn't simple at all ,not in a small house but in a big royal castle , not with her mother but with vampires . Nothing was that which she wanted in her life.

She got out of her thoughts as she felt a cold touch of Valerie's hand on hers looking at her with a genuine smile. She looked at her then at Umera who was also looking at her with pitiful eyes. She didn't like the sight of sympathy for her in others eyes. She had experienced it when her father left them all alone.

She smiled at them but they both knew that it was fake."Here are your things. The guest have started arriving." Umera stated. She walked towards the bed to examine her dress which was with big flares just like a princess gown she saw in a magazine as creature was one of the well known company so she had seen many famous models wearing these gowns. She was used to  saw them with sorrow as she couldn't afford them . But now she was going to wear this but forcefully not with a happy heart.

"Eat this." She looked at Umera in confusion as she came forward and handed her a weed type thing at which she looked with a disgusting expression.

"But why ?" She asked her. " It will help your blood to suppress it's scent so that no one will know about you being a human." Umera explained her and placed that in her hand.

She after lots of thinking put that in her mouth which taste bittersweet but she gulped it with the help of water which Valerie handed her. After that she went to get ready in which they both, Umera and Valerie , helped her.

They gasped in admiration when she turned around after getting ready in one hour. She was wearing that black maroon shimmering dress with her honey brown locks in a bun from which some loose flicks were touching her cheeks with a little makeup in her face. The dress was off shoulder giving a perfect view of her cleavage .She was indeed looking the epitome of angelic beauty.

After a knock from Thomas who came to inform about the arrival of Aunt Marina they all headed downstairs as she was taking deep breaths to calm her nerves. She held her breath as she saw Aaron standing near the stairs staring at her head to toe in admiration. Her exposed neck with the little valley between her breasts were enough to arose him from the bottom.

He cleared his throat as she stood in front of him and placed his hand before her to which she stared then slightly grabbed it. With a deep sigh they moved forward. She again hold her breath when they were descending the stairs as she saw the whole hall filled with vampires looking at them some with jealousy and some with admiration as they both were looking exquisite together.

They step in last step and moved towards Aunt Marina who was standing beside Caleb and Trevor talking to them but diverted all their attentions to the couple coming towards her. She was an old woman with chubby cheeks and white grey hair in a high bun with a silver stick in which emerald green stones were embedded. She was looking a powerful independent woman.

"Hope you are fine Aunt." Aaron said as he bowed his towards her. And she took him in a hug with a polite smile.

"Meet my Queen-to-be Alaina " Aaron said with a glint of proudness in his eyes as he knew that Aunt Marina would surely like Alaina but got scared for a minute as she started staring at her with a scrutinizing gaze. Caleb and Trevor also had a worried expression thinking about Aunt Marina acknowledging about Alaina being a human but sighed in relief as she finally smiled at her and hugged her. Alaina was confused the entire time but hugged her back as she found the old lady a polite personality.

"You are warm. Mostly vampires are not that much warm." Aunt Marina spoke making all of them to hold their breath.

" We just told you that are Queen-to-be is very hot." Caleb said to divert her attention and also succeeded in it as she laughed . Everyone gave her fake a smile.

" I am glad that for you Aaron is moving forward." She said with a polite smile grabbing Alaina's hand which was trembling in her cold embrace. Alaina just shook her head as she didn't know what to say because she just doing that because she was forced.

"Ok let's start the ceremony." Trevor spoke up gathering everyone around the dais. They both walked towards it and Aaron grip in her hand tightened as he leaned near her ear.

" Just stay like a good girl for the rest of the ceremony." Aaron said in his cold voice making her shiver but she just looked at him in rage for controlling her.

Then the ceremony started and they both admitted each other forcefully at least for Alaina it was forced.

Everyone cheered for them . Alaina git startled when Valerie came said her to put her foot in his she didn't understand as she was saying making her panic and then she out her foot on his making him to shot a deathly glare towards her as he was talking to Trevor which was a plan of Valerie so Alaina could easily do the task. Valerie  squealed in excited clapping followed by the chuckles of everyone at Aaron's poker face. He looked at his black boots then at her who was staring at her with a proud neck as she had accomplished an impossible mission. But started looking here and there seeing his deathly glare on her. He just shook her head smirking that now she was all in his mercy. She had become his Queen. His second Queen. He didn't paid attention to the relief in which his heart was after having her all to himself.

Everyone started came to congratulate them on their wedding . She was blushing as everyone came and bowed their head to her as she was a Queen which she actually was but still wasn't expecting this.

"You will get used to it gradually." Aunt Marina spoke from beside her as she was standing with Aaron with intertwined hands which she tried to get free his grip but his steel like embrace didn't help her out.

Aunt Marina sensed her awkwardness by the attitude of people as she wasn't use to it , she smiled at her innocence , and tried to comfort her.

After few minutes Aaron went with someone in his study with Caleb and Trevor as he had to resolve the issue of trading clothes before summer because it wasn't possible for them in such short time. They knew they were vampires and had far more energy than humans but still the materials and other stuffs took lots of time.

Alaina took a sigh as he left her hand which was reddened due to his tight grip but didn't hurt. She said in the chair beside Aunt Marina followed by Isabella , Valerie and Umera who was standing beside her. Their braces were gleaming with happiness as they got their Queen but Alaina didn't find any happiness in this . How could she? She was forced to do all this and she wanted everything normal just like a normal person. But she was a Queen now and common things were in her fate. She started talking with Aunt Marina who asking her different questions .

Soon the ceremony ended and Valerie helped her to reach The king's room which was now for both of them.

"Best of luck for your wedding night." Valerie said in a mischievous tone." Don't forget to tell me the details." With a wink she walked away.

Alaina's face git flushed as she didn't think about the wedding night . She entered the room with a throbbing heart to find no one around.

She quickly get into the restroom to find her clothes already placed there. She took a night gown for herself and after taking a quick shower she hurriedly laid in the bed covering herself with black sheets till her face as she didn't want Aaron to force him on her like before but she wanted her precious blood to get wasted by that beast thirst. He forced her to get married to him but not this time.

She wanted to sleep before his arrival but her heart stopped beating as the room's door opened with a sound and she heard Aaron's groan. She closed her eyes acting like she was sleeping.

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