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She after putting on some trousers as she didn't want to end up sore, walked out of the restroom to find Aaron busy with some files. She gasped when she saw the same files but those were a little bit different. She marched towards him and sat on the couch.

Aaron looked up at her who was still in his shirt but wearing a trouser much to his relief. Aaron quirked an eye brow at her at which she wet her dried lips. He sensed she wanted to say something.

"T-these files? T-they w-were in my locker." Alaina said causing Aaron to look at the files.

" No that are the duplicates these are original." Aaron shrugged causing her to sigh in relief visibly.

" What happened?" Aaron's question made her startled.

" Umh! Nothing it's just..." She didn't know what to say.

" Tell me what is it?" Aaron said as he stopped his work , closing the file and diverted his whole attention towards her.

" Actually, those files which you gave me that day were in my locker but now they aren't." Alaina stated scared of his wrath as whenever he raged in anger he himself don't know what he was doing. Aaron remained silent for a minute.

" Traitors" Aaron just shook his head while clenching his jaw. Alaina took a deep breath as he didn't misunderstand her.

"Who comes in your room?" Aaron asked her as the very first thought in her mind came of Isabella and Trevor but she couldn't tell anyone before any proof.

"Everyone and other workers too." She stated as he quirked an eyebrow at her.

" Why you are thinking about Isabella and Trevor?" Aaron said as she had an urge to bang her head at the wall. He again listened to her mind.

"I-its just I-I saw them together and so I was just thinking..". She said as she was scared of him because she knew Trevor was his friend and no one would like to listen anything like that about his friend.

"Trevor , are you sure?" Aaron asked but she nodded her head in no as she wasn't sure about it. Aaron sighed.

" You shouldn't trust anyone here. The traitors are two so you should be careful about that." Aaron stated as she nodded her head and moved towards the bed.

" Aren't you going to bed?" Alaina blurted out whatever came in her mind earning a chuckle from him.

"Vampires don't sleep." He enlightened her about a very important information. She nodded her head as she didn't think about it.

"Don't you vampires even take a rest?" Alaina asked as she didn't think of Aaron sleeping even blinking.

"Yes we have frozen blood. We can't do these things." Aaron said as his eyes turned dark which wasn't missed by Alaina. She didn't say anything further due to his sudden change of mood. She laid and immediately covered herself from the quilt and soon drifted to sleep. While Aaron was still sitting there, drowned deep in the thoughts.


She was busy in her office work when a maid told her about Aaron who summoned her. She after winding up her work walked away not before locking her office door this time. She walked towards the entrance to find Aaron there. She didn't know why he had summoned her.

"What is it?" She asked as he was busy folding his sleeves of his black shirt upto his elbows,not wearing any gown.

"We have to take a round of our Island. From today we will start from the market." Aaron stated at which she nodded her head. She smiled as he started trusting her and she was finally going out of the castle after so many days. They both exited the castle with guards as Thomas was ahead of them with some guards, for their Queen's protection only as Aaron never took guards with him whenever he had to take a round but with his Queen he had to.

"You don't trust me?" Alaina asked him from nowhere.

" No, it isn't like that. Why are you asking?" Aaron said as he couldn't get why she was saying that.

" Because you are taking guards because of me only. You think I will run away." Alaina stated with a sad smile on her face.

"You think you can run away from me. To control you, I am enough. So I need guards. They are for your safety as you are a human and anything can happen to you because the majority is of vampires." Aaron chuckled at her statement as he explained to her causing her to drown deep in the thoughts.

They both entered the market as everyone was aligned in a row and bowed their head in respect for their King and Queen. They both nodded their head as Aaron ordered everyone to get back to their work. They started talking with every shopkeeper. Alaina really felt overwhelmed as everyone was looking at her with respect and love. They asked about the emerging problems at which Aaron asked Thomas to keep a data of it , which he did.

"Can I ask you something?" Alaina leaned in near Aarons ear as she whispered. Aaron nodded his head.

" Why Thomas don't wear a shirt?" Alaina asked as she glanced up at Thomas , shirtless roaming around in the market. Aaron had an urge to laugh as he was very much amused by Alaina's expression.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Aaron said in a same tone as hers. She rolled her eyes at him as he just smiled. Aaron moved forward as Alaina's eyes fell on few men and women standing in a group but they were looking different as everyone else except those people have love and respect but they had hatred in their eyes. Alaina felt them staring at her but her attention diverted when Aaron asked her to move forward.

Aaron looked at her staring at those people as a dark shadow invaded his face as he grabbed Alaina's hand and made her to walk with him. They both came back in night as Alaina enjoyed alot that day which Aaron noted through her sparkling eyes.

" Will we go tomorrow too?" Alaina asked in excitement as she wanted to feel the same cool breeze kissing her skin not from the balcony of the castle but from outside of the castle.

"Not tommorow , might be after few days. I have work to do." Aaron said enjoying her little Queen's state. Alaina just nodded her head as she knew Aaron would never let her go alone as he had started trusting her but still he wouldn't take a risk.

"Don't you think you should do me a favor after all I took you out?" Aaron asked with micheiviousness in his eyes to made Alaina halt in her steps as she was going towards the bedroom.

"What favor?" She asked with a confused expression. Aaron walked towards her to cage her between the wall and him with his hands placing on the wall from either side of her waist. He was so close to her as she could feel their noses touching each other.

"A kiss can compensate it?" Aaron said and without any warning captured her lips with his. He started devouring her mouth after she opened it for him willingly. His hands were feeling every curve of her body which seemed perfect to him. When she felt out of oxygen she started pushing on his chest to get some air.

"A-aron" she rasped when he released her lips flexibly with a pop up sound. They both were panting hard when Valerie emerged from nowhere. Alaina abruptly maintained a decent distance between them as she started blushing because Valerie caught them in between their act. Aaron groaned inwardly at her act but walked towards his office as he had to do some work.

 Aaron groaned inwardly at her act but walked towards his office as he had to do some work

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