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She opened her eyes as she hugged her pillow out of habit. But she scrunched her nose as she felt her pillow so hard and cold. She opened her eyes to find Aaron laying extremely close to her while staring at her. Her eyes popped out when she found herself on his bare chest. She immediately sat up as she again found herself in his black button up shirt. She quickly grabbed the sheets to cover herself as he was constantly staring at her form.

"W-what a-are you doing here?" She knew that she had asked a dumb question but nothing else came in her mind and she was getting queasy under his stare.

"Last time I checked this was my room too." Aaron said as he adjusted his pillow with his arms , quirking a brow at her. She stared at his naked form which was covered till his stomach with the black sheets. His muscles were on full display so his six packs. Her skin was a little tan making him a drool worthy man. She could realise why the mistresses fight over him as he was a King , the hot one though.

"Like what you see?" Her thoughts got interrupted by him who was smirking at her. She thought of the situation at that moment as she was in his shirt and he was shirtless. But she didn't want to misunderstand the entire condition again as she tried to move her legs to check if there is pain or not but stopped as she heard a throaty chuckle. She tilted her head to see him chuckling.

This was the first time she was seeing him like that as he never brought a smile on the stern cold face of him. He looked so ethereal while laughing there was niether any dominance nor any ruthlessness. She turned crimson red as she realized at what he was laughing. She lowered her sheepishly as she was embarrassed of him that he captured her act. She pouted as she could see him through her peripheral sight. What's so funny in it ? I was just checking.

She thought but didn't blurted out as she glared at him causing him to stop his act. "I wasn't seeing you okay. I was just wondering why are you sleeping here?" She asked as she dragged herself away from him to maintain a decent distance between them.

"Because this is my bed too." He laid with all of his weight on his elbow.

"Yes this is but why are you sleeping so close to me. And you again changed my clot... Wait a minute YOU SAW MY BODY!" She almost shrieked at the end causing him to get startled. She covered herself with the sheets properly as she was getting her eyes ready to stream the tears out of them.

Aaron sat up as he looked at her who was devising the plan for crying. He didn't know how to tell her that he tried his best to not see her while changing her clothes because she would never believe him.

"Look it's not like that I mean you were very uncomfortable so I changed your clothes that's it." He spoke as she started glaring at him who was justifying his stance. His startled behavior showed her that he had seen her. She was about to scream at him but the knock on the door stopped her.

Aaron allowed to come in followed by Umera who told him about the arrival of the Nano vampires. The flushed face of Umera made Alaina realized that she was thinking about them like that as she talked with lowered head and mumbled sorry for disturbing them. Alaina turned beetroot at that but it didn't bother Aaron as he walked inside the restroom to change his clothes.

Alaina laid again on the bed covering her face with the sheets when Umera walked out. She didn't know what would happen next as the starting of the was most embarrassing. She again drifted to sleep as she was feeling very tired.


She was happy as she had done a lot of work in such a short time as the teaching of Umera made her work perfect and she was eventually gaining her speed. Valerie was making fun of her as she was sitting on the slab of the kitchen while Isabella and Valerie were making dinner for tonight.

"By seeing you gaining speed in your work I wonder you will become a vampire one day."  Valerie spoke just to tease her but she a question appeared in her mind.

"How you become a vampire?" She asked both of them. There were many questions in her mind as it was one of them. They both stopped their work and looked at each other as they were talking with their eyes. A sad gleam could be sensed in their eyes.

"I met an accident forty five hundred years ago. I was between life and death. My family died on the spot but I was still breathing then Aunt Marina bite me to change my existence ino a vampire." Isabella spoke as she resumed her work. Alaina felt bad for her as she was left alone in this world.

"I was born a vampire but my family was killed by humans so I ended up here." Valerie also had sad expressions as she was kneading the dough.

"You both are too brave." Alaina said in astonishment as they both had pass through so much pain but still was enjoying their life not having any grudges against anyone. Then she looked at herself as she was also ended up here as a queen without even dreaming about it once.

They both smiled at her as a maid came in the kitchen to tell her that Aunt Marina had summoned her in the back yard. She jumo down from the slab after nodding at her that she was coming. She walked outside the kitchen as she never went to the backyard of the castle . Still many places in the castle were unnoticed by her.

She entered the backyard in the counselling of the maid to find a huge garden filled with beautiful flowers and trees. It was a beautiful sight for someone who admired the beauty of nature so much. She found Aunt Marina sitting on the bench placed  beside the water fountain. She was busy in reading a book.

She approached her as she cleared her throat to gain her attention. Aunt Marina smiled at her as she saw her. She signalled her to sit beside her to which she sit while grabbing her gown.

"It's beautiful here." Alaina spoke up admiring the beauty. Aunt Marina also smiled at her as she nodded her head. "Indeed it is."

"But how's is it possible . I mean there is no sunlight for these flowers then how they are still in their proper shape?" Alaina asked in confusion at which Aunt Marina chuckled.

"It's a long story behind this." Aunt spoke as she was lost somewhere.

"I would love to listen it." Alaina emphasized to tell her the story as she was addicted to fictional stories.





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