First Night

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He argued with the nano vampires that they couldn't achieve the target in such a short span of time. They agreed with him and give them extra time to which he was glad and started doing other business stuff.

He wasn't paid any heed that it's his wedding day as for him business always comes first and he couldn't do any compromise in that matter. After working for few hours Caleb and Trevor ended the meeting because they knew Aaron would not do that himself as for him his work was more important.

They bid goodbye to the nano vampires after shaking hands and walked out of his study.Aaron started packing his files and other stuff but stopped as he saw both of them, Caleb and Trevor, staring at him with mischievousness in their eyes.

"What?" Aaron arched an eyebrow at them.

" So our boy is going for his wedding night hm?" Caleb said as he rested on the chair exhaustion was evident from his eyes because he wasn't a cold-blooded vampire like them but a werewolf. Aaron looked at both of them who were wriggling their eye brows at him.

" Come on. You both know why this marriage happened." Aaron scoffed at them." But still isn't there any fluttering in their" Trevor spoke." Oh Trevor don't you know he will never discuss his excitement about his wedding night but we know his heart is jumping inside." Caleb said while scolding Trevor in a fake manner.

" Yeah we know he is jumping but don't you remember he said he didn't want a relationship with anyone of any kind. He wanted to live alone and bla bla." Trevor said with fake seriousness.

" Yeah but now he got his one and only he was waiting for." Caleb spoke but he was happy as his friend was going to start his new life.

" Keep going your shit I am going not want to become part of all of this." Aaron who was tolerating their nonsense spoke up as he walked towards the door.

"Look after a girl he forget us."

" Yes his long time friends are here for him and he is leaving them alone."

" He is so eager for his night eh"" Poor Alaina will end up sore tomorrow..."

Aaron took a deep breath as they both started but he ignored them and walked towards his room.

He was thinking about their words. Thinking about his first night one side of his lips twitched as he imagined her fragile figure in the bridal gown. She was looking breathtakingly beautiful in that dress. With her exposed cleavage she seemed to him a seductress from which's seducing he couldn't control himself. No one erupted that sparks in him which she ,a little fragile human, did.

He entered the room and saw her sleeping with her back facing him covered with the quilt. He groaned as he realized he had to sleep with her because around her he hadn't any control over him. Ignoring her sleeping form he walked in the restroom to change.

After taking a cold shower he walked outside with her wet hairs touching his eyebrows. He looked at her whose thumb was constantly moving as he could sense it  over the black sheets. A smirk grew on his face seeing her acting of sleeping.

He sat on the opposite side of the bed and dragged near her who was covered till her neck with the sheets. He moved his hands towards her to remove the blanket from her neck . She was awake as it was evident from her fluttering eyelashes. She gulped when she felt his cold touch on her neck but didn't open her eyes.

His smirked got wider at her stubbornness. He caress her jaw with his thumb and index finger, then her neck. His finger started gliding downwards as he caress her collar bones. His hand was moving towards her cleavage but she immediately sat up after jerking her hands away.

"W-what w-were you doing?" She asked stuttering as he was very closed to her with his amber eyes staring at her. She was looking a heavenly meal for him with scattered hairs around her face and pink quivering petals igniting him to eat them.

" Just checking you are awake or acting like it" he said as he laid comfortably on the bed. Alaina looked at him in disgust who was happy making her all his . He was satisfied seeing his dominance over her.

" You should be very happy seeing me here right. And have already planned of eating me tonight as you have nothing else to do except quenching your thirst." She said with venom 8n her voice. His mood was good but all git bitter hearing her up.

"What you just said?" He roared making her trembled inside but she didn't show it and spoke with confidence.

" I know you just use women for benefits but let me know you can't force you on me . I will never let you get benefit of me" she spoke but gasped when he jerked her causing her to bounce on the bed and hovered over her.

"You think I married you for benefits then let me take it" he said as he pressed his lips on hers and started eating then fiercely. She pressed her lips in a thin line not wanting to give him access but he groaned at her and bit slide his hand under his shirt but she didn't have him access. He bit her lower lip hard making her gasp and availing the chance he inserted his tongue inside her. He started devouring her mouth but in a harsh manner. She fought back with him by pushing him through her fists but he grabbed them and rested them above her head. She wanted to protest but instead of it a moan escaped her mouth.

She started pushing his tongue with hers but the outcome of that was nothing. She gave up as he was busy devouring the taste of her mouth with a slow pace. She again started wriggling in his embrace as she got out of breath. He wasn't ready to release her but she started pushing and wriggling in his embrace. He finally released her while sucking her upper lip. He glanced down at her who was panting hard. He moved to her neck and placed his cold lips between the collar bones still her hands were in his grip. He started gliding down towards her valley."S-stop " she shrieked as she could feel wetness between her thighs and she hate this effect if him in her. He nuzzled his nose between her big soft breasts getting mesmerized by her toxic scent,but she started throwing her legs at him in order to jerk him over from her.

"Pl-please" she begged as tears started appearing in her eyes." Don't rape me." She said and he jerked her away hearing her words. He could be a beast a ruthless king but wasn't be a rapist. He never forced himself on anyone every girl threw herself to her ,they begged him to sleep with them for one night only. But here she was calling him a rapist.

He stood up and went out of the room leaving her in that disheveled state. She sat up on the bed looking at his direction from where he had left. She realized that she had said very harsh words but that wasn't anything against what he had done with her. He made her his captive then his Queen forcefully. She collapsed on the bed and drifted to sleep while sobbing.                                          

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