Chapter 3

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I start up my car, waiting. Ever moving. Never stopping. I can't stop. I have ADHD. I used to take pills, but I don't really care anymore.
I see the clock turn to 6:00, and I start my long drive into town for school.
On the way there, I drive by many small buildings far out in fields. I don't notice them.
I soon am in town. I see the lights of the school turn on, and I groan to myself. "Another day in this prison." I drive into the parking lot, and I see the guidance counselor- Mrs. Bauer- getting out of her car. She waves a cheerful hello, but I just stand there.
I went to the counselor once- that didn't end well.
I see all of the students arriving, and amongst the crowd, see my friend Josh. He understands how I feel. After all, he is going through the same thing as I am. We say hello to each other, but that is where we leave it for this morning.

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