Chapter 7

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The dreaded beep, beep, beep of my clock came too fast that morning. I was tired just thinking about school, and everything I was "studying" for over the weekend.
I lay in bed for a few moments, then pull myself upright. I start getting dressed- same black shirt, sweatshirt, and pants.
When I get up enough energy to go to the kitchen, I make myself a quick sandwich, and head out into my car.
I keep moving until I see the familiar flick of my old clock as it turns to 6.
I drive much past the speed limit, but the officers don't seem to care. They know me, too well.
I arrive at the building, and I see Brianna. As beautiful in the radiant sunrise as ever. I scold myself for thinking these thoughts, as I never will be good enough for her.
Josh and I exchange a quick word about Brianna- how he can't wait to see if we ever get together, and me wanting to ask her out but I don't know how.
Nothing happened in school, except for the fact that Brianna sat at my table at lunch! I was so ecstatic, I almost smiled.
I was dying inside knowing that she liked that jock Brian. "Someday" I said to myself "someday I will steal Brianna from Brian, and he won't know what hit him."
I worked at the grocery store for 3 hours after school, and it felt good to be able to do things other than hear my mother's pitiful cries, and my teachers droning on and on about the civil war.
I went to bed right when I got home, and again, had a peaceful sleep.

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