|Let's take it from the start|

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Everything is black. I hear a scream from my mother and that was the moment i woke up.

''It was only a nightmare'' I said to my self. I didn't know were I was but everything looked familiar for some strange reason. And that's when i remembered. The light world. I was in Marks house. Everything is coming back in my memory. The party that was held for my 18th birthday, Mark telling me that i will forget everyone in a year because of my powers. I screamed.

''What happened?" Mark asked when he came as fast as he could in the room.

''You. Why I am here?" I asked yelling but Mark couldn't look me in my eyes.

"Tell me. I am begging you" I felt tears running down my cheeks.

" You have to stay here for a year until you forget everyone" he said without looking me

" No, no, no. Mark you know very well that i can't stay here. Everyone hates me. They think I am a monster. A monster. The people that i knew my whole life are frightened of me" I said

" I know that very well Amber but that's your fate. You can't change it. You have to live with that" he said

''And then what? i will forget everyone right?"

"Yeah. I didn't know that this will happen"

'' Can I change it ?" I asked

''Change what?" 

'' My fate. I want to change it" i said

'' No one has succeeded to do such a thing. It is impossible" Mark said 

" I will try"

" Amber you will die if you do that"

'' Its okay. At leat i will die trying" i said without hesitation

'' Are you sure about your decision?" he asked me 

"Yeah" i said. i had to find a way to escape.

'' Can i have a glass of water please?" i asked

'' Of course" he said

 I looked around me for a coat and i find one. I run as fast as i could to grab it and leave. When Mark came back i had already gone

''Amber where are you? '' he looked at the the door that was opened and he realised that i had left.

I was running for over an hour inside the woods but i had no luck. I was tired but i had to find somewhere to stay for tonight. After many hours i found some outdoor shops. i put on the hood of the coat so that they wouldn't recognize me. I hadn't money on me so i had to stole from someone. I had to stole from when i was in the real world for the first time. I knew that it was wrong but i had to do it. A lady passed by me and i found the chance to grab her wallet without noticing me. There wasnt many money inside the wallet but there were enough to buy something to eat. I found a place to eat and drink so i walked inside and i sat in the bar.

"What can i get this beautiful young lady" a man asked

" i will take a beer and a sandwich" i said 

'' okay'' he answered

While i was waiting for my order i was thinking what i would do to break the curse.

'' Here you go" he said 

''Thank you"

I drank my beer without second thought.

'' Rough day?'' i heared someone who was sitting next to me

''Yeah, something like that" i said without knowing who asked me. When i turned around i saw someone familiar.


" Hello Amber" he said

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