A/N: double update today because you guys are awesome and I felt like it.
------------------------*Annabelle's POV*
I sighed as I placed the final worksheet on the completed pile. I should really stop making material that I have to grade, there must be other ways to teach geography.
The past few weeks flew by, and Christmas break was now only one and a half week away. I had finished all that I had to teach the kids, so only my Christmas lessons were left on the agenda.
After checking my phone, I realized I got a text from Fred asking if she wanted to lunch with me, so after telling Adam, I was off.
"So how are you holding up?" I asked her after we gave the waiter our orders.
Fred shrugged, "Still getting used to all of it, but I guess it's getting easier."
"I'm glad. You went back to the pack the other day, right?" I continued.
"Yeah," Fred said with a nod, "I wanted to talk to more people and learn more. It was terrifying but I lived."
I chuckled. "They're really not dangerous, especially if you're part of their pack."
"I'm not part of the pack yet, though. Apparently, they only consider you part of the pack after you've completed the mate bond." Fred explained as she stirred her coffee.
I hummed, "That sucks. How is that going though?"
Fred immediately turns red, so I know I've hit a jackpot, "I've been thinking about marking, but I'm not sure."
My hand goes to my neck out of instinct, "It's not bad at all. I never felt any pain."
"I know it doesn't hurt... it's the principle, I guess. The mark is like a wedding ring you know? I'm 23 years old." Fred says with a sigh.
I smile, "Mate bonds work so differently than normal relationships. Adam told me I shouldn't really compare it with marriage, since mate bonds are apparently even more important than that."
"Doesn't help my reservations on marking." Fred points out.
"I know, for me it didn't really feel like I was getting married. There is something called the mating ceremony, that's more like a wedding. It just felt like I got closer to Adam, I guess. I can mind-link him now and feel the sparks when we touch, that's basically all that's changed." I try to reassure her.
We pause our conversation as the waiter comes with our lunch. As we inhale the food, we don't speak much, eventually, Fred speaks up first. "It's just a big commitment, you know?"
I nod, "Oh yeah, I've been thinking about completing the bond, it all feels so real."
"How's that going? You're a step ahead." Fred asked.
I sigh, "I don't know. Adam and I are doing great, but I know he's just waiting until I'm ready. I also found out that heat returns every two to three months, which will be soon. I don't know about it all."
"Heat?" Fred inquires and I nod, realizing she probably doesn't know about that yet.
"Apparently it's a way wolves are forced to complete the bond. It usually doesn't happen to humans, but since Adam is an Alpha, I'm an exception. Basically, heat sucks. It's like your period, but ten times worse. Your entire body hurts and you have this high fever. Your hormones also go crazy." I explain.
Fred scrunches up her nose, "That sounds like a great time." She says sarcastically.
I groan, "Yeah... Adam thinks it will happen again around Christmas. How will I survive my family when I have a high fever and everything hurts!?"

My Pet Mate
Werewolf"I'm your dog!" The guy yelled. I froze and looked at the man with disbelief. Did he really just suggest he was my dog? "What?" "I-I'm your... d-dog." He mumbled this time. --- When 23 year old Annabelle feels like she's getting lonely in her apa...