Chapter 32

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A/N: Another double update because you guys are the best!

Also, there will be some sexual content in this chapter so if you're uncomfortable with that you might want to skip the final part of this chapter.

*Annabelle's POV*

Sometimes I wonder why I let myself get into certain things. Case in point: me wearing a very tight dress as we are getting ready to go clubbing on a Saturday night. Robin complained that we haven't had a good girls night so we got ready at her house. Jasper and Adam would be joining us at the club though. The males have been incredibly possessive. Adam because of the mark and Jasper because of what happened on Thursday.

Robin didn't mind that, at the club she usually goes off to find a guy anyway. She just wanted some time for just us girls.

I sighed as I looked into the mirror. The red dress wasn't necessarily slutty, but it was definitely sexy. It was tight and showed cleavage. It was also quite short. It was an off the shoulder dress, and I had covered up my mark with some make-up to avoid suspicion.

"You look great hon! Adam is going to faint when he sees you!" Robin exclaimed.

"Red riding hood and the wolf." Fred muttered with a smirk on her face.

I blushed, "Why do I have to wear this again? Fred hasn't been forced into a dress."

Robin glanced at Fred before shrugging, "She would never agree with it. Besides, you need to keep Adam on his toes. That guy is so sure of himself, he needs to be shown who's boss!"

Well, he is the Alpha.

Well you're the Luna aren't you?

I was surprised at the voice inside my head. I've never been insecure, but I have also never been really full of myself. I know where my flaws are and I'm far from perfect. I've never thought of myself as better than everyone else, since there is always someone higher on the ranks.

"I don't think Anna needs to wear a tight dress to show Adam who's boss." Fred spoke up with a grin.

I gave her a glare and Robin just shrugged, "He's been living with Anna for free! He should learn how to provide for his girlfriend."

He already does by catching rabbits.

"He's getting his first paycheck soon. After that he'll start to help out." I defended my mate.

"He should have been helping from the start." Robin said as she raised her arms in a defending way.

I sighed, "He didn't have a job or anything."

Robin rolled her eyes, "And what? Has he never heard of saving money? How did he even live before all this?"

In the forest in a den.

"He's working now isn't he? Stop bashing on him Robin." Fred surprisingly spoke up.

"Since when are you his biggest fan?" Robin teased with her eyes narrowed and a grin on her face.

Fred shrugged, "Jasper likes him. And most importantly, Anna seems happy with him."

I smiled at Fred and mouthed a 'thank you'

Fred just responded with a smile as she held out my necklace. She was holding it for me while Robin was getting me ready.

"Wait a minute, you're not seriously gonna wear that with that dress right?" Robin spoke up.

"It was a gift from Adam." I said as I took the necklace and put it on.

Robin groaned, "Honey I did not work this hard only for you to ruin it with that necklace. It's cute and all, but it doesn't fit this outfit."

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