Chapter 43

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A/N: 1000 votes! Thanks so much guys!! Here's another chapter in these trying times.

Also, I loved seeing you guys speculate! Let's go and find out who wanted to kidnap our lovely Anna.

Anna's POV*

I groaned before even opening my eyes. My head was pounding, my stomach hurt a lot and I felt exhausted. I tried to lift my hand to my stomach only to pause when I heard chains.

I frowned and opened my eyes. I was in a foreign room. It was a small and dark. The room existed of a bed, which I was laying on, and a small table and chair. When I looked at my hands, I realized I was chained to the bed. The chains were pretty long, I figured I could reach the table while chained, but I was still chained, nonetheless.

I cringed at the blood on my shirt. Someone had taken my coat off. I carefully lifted my shirt to see my stomach bandaged.

What happened?

I quickly got out of bed, ignoring the pain in my stomach and my lightheadedness as I stood up too fast. The room had one window that was boarded up with planks. There was nothing on any of the walls. Just wooden planks. 

After thinking for a minute, I realized I was in some sort of small shed or cottage. I focused on the outside but couldn't hear anything. The walls must be thicker than I originally thought.

I tried to reach the front door but was stopped by my chains. Trying to pull them was quickly shown to be ineffective. These chains could stop a werewolf in its tracks.


I suddenly remembered what happened before all this. I was in the forest. A wolf attacked. I blacked out.

I have been kidnapped.

I frantically looked around. Now what? I couldn't get out of these chains, and who knows if there are any people outside?

I tried to link Adam but was met with a bunch of static.

I couldn't think long before I heard a key enter the locked door. Well, now I know that even if I somehow managed to escape the chains the door would still be locked.

The door opened and I prepared myself to face my kidnapper. I blinked as Alpha Ray entered the cottage. Huh?

"Ah, you're awake." Ray spoke as if nothing was wrong with this situation.

I took a step back, the chains rattling beside me. "What is going on?"

Ray smiled, "Sorry for the not so warm surroundings. I didn't have another place to hide you." He spoke casually while pointing his hands at the bare walls.

"You didn't answer my question." I stated.

"I was getting to it." Ray spoke with gritted teeth. Ok, so maybe I should be patient with him. He's an Alpha. He sighed to collect himself, "I brought you here to become my Luna."

I blinked. Then blinked again. "What?"

Ray sighed, "Ever since my mate died I've started to realize that my pack became a lot different. At first I thought it was simply of mourning, maybe it was." He shrugged, "But even after all these years things haven't changed. I can see the way they look at me. They're waiting for me to snap without her by my side."

My heart started beating faster as he explained. His voice getting more angry with every word.

"But then," He paused, a dark sparkle in his eyes, "I saw you teaching the kids." Ray smirked, "They loved you, and ever since then they've been asking about you constantly. And that is when I realized. They weren't just waiting for me to snap. They were waiting for me to pick a new Luna."

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