Chapter 1

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Before I start here is just a warning, in this book will be sensitive subjects at some point, I will add a tw before

Also this on top is what I imagine Belladonna to look like.

Here I am, about to leave for college, idk how to feel, I mean I am sort of getting kicked out but it's not to my dismay. I guess we'll just see how this goes. I really hope college doesn't suck that bad. If it does idk what to think anymore. This is my one and only chance to start a new independent life and I'm sure gonna jump on that opportunity. Don't get me wrong, I like Mike and Lisa, especially Lisa, Mike is never really around and he doesn't like me that much. Lisa is more of a parent figure to me but she still isn't exactly my mom. I consider more of an aunt or something. I know this might sound rude but before judging me you must know neither of them are my biological parents.

I hear a knock at my door and put down my "diary" I guess that's what I should call it. It was either write down stuff or go to therapy and I definitely don't wanna go to therapy.

"Come in" I say loud enough for whoever is behind the door to hear me.

Lisa enters the room and looks around. All my boxes are packed.

"you ready to go?" she askes me.

"yes, I just have one or two last things to pack and I'll be done."

"good. You know, we are gonna miss you, the house will feel empty without you here but I think it's for the best"

"well I mean, it would feel even more empty if you were home sometimes." I spit out. I realize what I just say and sigh. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it's just hard leaving."

"I know it is. Also I'm so sorry hun but we will keep helping you financially but this won't be your anymore, I really am sorry, but Mike won't allow you to come back. I promise to still send money your way tho. I really am gonna miss you." she says almost letting a tear slip.

I knew this already, Mike doesn't like me much, he just said ok to helping me out because Lisa convinced him but now that I'm gone, he won't let me come back. But I don't mind, they both already did so much for me.

"I'm gonna miss you too Lisa and don't worry I'll be fine. You already did more than enough, thank you so much."

"of course honey, it's normal. You should get going" she sighs getting up.

She helps me put a few boxes in my car, yes I have a car, when I say they did more than enough I actually mean it. I got all my stuff in the car and hugged Lisa one last time. I waved at Mike and went in the car. I said bye and then took off. Here comes a new chapter of my life.


After hours of endless driving I finally arrived on campus. I went to the front desk and asked for my dorm keys. The lady handed them to me and I headed to the second floor where my dorm is supposed to be. Before opening the door I breathed deeply and prayed to have a good roommate. I slowly unlocked and opened the door to be met with a pretty big dorm room with an en-suite bathroom. There was two beds, each on one side of the room. One of them had dark green sheets with happy looking avocados on 'em and matching pillows. And the other bed was bare, that one must be mine. I honestly don't know what to expect from my roommate. I don't know what type of person has dark green sheets with happy avocados on them. I start putting the few things I already brought with me onto my bed and start unpacking. I still have so much to unpack. I heard a door open and close and heard a squeal.

College, FinallyWhere stories live. Discover now