Chapter 2

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Above is what I imagine Stacey to look like

I woke up with a groan. I immediately started worrying when I didn't recognize my surroundings but relaxed when I remember I'm in Lucas' room. He wasn't in bed with me so I guess he's already up. I got up and as I was about to go downstairs I remembered I only had Lucas' shirt on me. So I quickly put my uncomfortable dress back on and went downstairs. I gotta say, the oversized t-shirt was more comfortable. I managed my way to the kitchen and found Stacey already jumping up and down. Geez how does she not have a huge hangover? Well anyways. I sat down holding my head. Lucas entered the kitchen and seemed surprised to see me here. I mean I was gonna eventually wake up sooner or later, no need to look at me so weirdly.

"look who's finally up." he chirps. Ok I cannot be the only one with a hangover.

"how don't yall have hangovers." I question in utter disbelief.

"it's all thanks to Stacey's miracle hangover cure." Lucas says excitedly, he looks like a little kid opening his Christmas presents.

"here, all you gotta do is drink this" Stacey adds as she hands me a cup with non baked eggs in it.

"no way in hell am I drinking that, what the fuck?!"

"it really works, once you forget about the taste, it isn't even that bad." Lucas tries convincing me.

Something doesn't feel right. I slowly bring the cup up to my lips and chug the drink down. Well "drink". I immediately feel like I'm going to vomit and I quickly run to the sink. I barf all my insides and feel like complete shit. I feel like I'm gonna die and I have lived near death experiences. I try breathing but just feel like emptying my insides once again, which I then do. Someone is soon keeping my hair up while I try to keep my organs inside my body. Once I finally feel that I don't have anything left to evacuate, I slowly stand up straight. I break a small smile before wiping my mouth. There's an awkward silence for a while before I finally decide to speak up.

"well, Stacey, we should get going, do you know where Nicole and Melissa are?"

"oh yeah they already took an Uber, it's pretty late already."

I look on the clock and my eyes widen when I see it's 4pm. I slept 12h?! That's like a record for me.

"I didn't think it was this late gosh."

"yeah we were kinda starting to worry" Stacey admitted.

"Oh no, you shouldn't worry for me, I probably just had a lot of sleep to catch up." I say truthfully.

"ok... Anyways we really should get going." Stacey said.

"right. Oh wait we gotta find my car keys first."

"oh yeah"

We start our search and after a few hours we still haven't found them yet. Guess luck is on my side today. Guess I don't have a car anymore. Lucas ends up offering to bring us back to our building and if the frat boys find my car keys, he'll tell me.

We were soon back in our dorm and I was already getting tired. I decided to take this as an opportunity to sleep a little because I know I won't get much sleep tonight. I finally wake up at 8pm. Stacey is watching something on her laptop so I get up and go freshen up. I decide to take a quick shower. I get undressed and walk into the warm water. I let the frustration from losing my keys evaporate and take in deep breaths. When I'm done, I get dressed in some short shorts and a tank top. I go back to my bed decide to order food.

"Hey Stacey?" she looks up from her laptop as she hears me calling her.

"what food do you want?" I ask her.

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