Chapter 3

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That is what I imagine Melissa to look like

I haven't written a lot these last few days. Gotta say I was pretty busy with classes and sleeping. I've been in college for a month now and I've been drowning in assignments. It's really hard to keep up but I was always a pretty smart kid so I manage. It just takes up all my time. I already finished all my assignments for next week so I can have the weekend free of work. I just need to have a bit of fun. You never know when you might die and might as well live life to the fullest. I don't have the best past and that's why now I try to make the most of every day.
I have been trying to join Lisa but she doesn't respond. I guess she really meant I was kicked out of their lives, apart from the money of course. I haven't found my car keys yet so I guess I'll have to buy a new one. I'm gonna have to ride with Stacey or borrow her car when I want to go somewhere. Thats probably gonna be annoying. Let's just hope she knows how to drive. I'm really not in the mood to have a car accident just yet.

"what are you writing in that thing?" Stacey whines.

"none of your business" I bark. Ok that was maybe a little uncalled for but that girl keeps on irritating me.

"geez, sorry. Was just asking. Why do you even write in that thing? You don't seem like the super nerd who loves to write."

"I write in this shit to keep myself from killing someone and to it was either that or going to therapy."

"why therapy?"

"oh I just had a mental illness before and I guess writing just stook." I sighed.

Stacey stayed silent for a bit.

"you know... If you ever need to talk to someone..."

I glare at her as if she was crazy.

"no thanks. I'm much better now." I answer coldly.

"I know but... Sometimes talking, even about the past... Can help..." she seems very hesitant of her words.

"will you just drop it." I growl. She had it coming.

Stacey backs down. After a while, I decide to break the silence. I do have a very short temper and attitude but it wasn't especially fair to bark at her like I did.

"look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh. To make it up to you, why don't I buy you coffee or idk."

Stacey agrees directly. That girl doesn't hold grudges. We decide on going to McDonald's. I love food man. I end up driving and when we arrive, we order and start eating in silence. Until Stacey spoke up.

" Oooh I haven't told you about the guy I met. So I was out with my family, we went bowling and I suck at bowling so I accidentally threw the ball on the alley next to ours, idk how I did it either. And this dude from the alley next to us, gave me back the bowling ball and it was like love at first sight. He smiled at me, I smiled at him, he asked for my number and I gave it to him. Like out of a romance movie. Or wattpad story. " she said all in one breath.

"how cute" I try my best to smile.

Stacey then continues to ramble on and on about how the dude she met is amazing and how she can't wait to see him again blablabla. I stopped paying attention to what she was saying a long time ago. I do nod my head and give her small smiles or affirmations once in a while so she thinks I'm listening. I learned to do that a long time ago. I start thinking about the most random things, letting my brain go back and forth. I'm brought out of my trance when I notice someone at our table. I look up to see Lucas and two other dudes.

"mind if we keep yall company?" Lucas asked poshly.

"why, isn't it the famous Lucas Patterson, what in the world have we done to be honored with your presence." I mock in a british posh way. (like jade does when imitating tori in victorious)

(with that accent)

Lucas rolls his eyes and sits next to me. The two other boys sit next to Stacey. There's an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"ok so what shall we do today?" Lucas is the first one to speak.

Everyone wants to do something different and the bickering is giving me a headache. I decide to take out my "diary". I know it's a diary, I just can't get my mind to it, I feel like a 8 years old having a pink fluffy diary that looks like a fox. Don't ask why the fox is pink, I have no idea. Anyways no my diary is not pink or a fox, it just reminds me of that.

Well here we are, with Stacey and John fighting on where we should go. I really wish "she" could still be here. I shouldn't still be thinking about this but it's hard. We were supposed to share a dorm together and live like there were no tomorrow but fate had a different plan for us. Of course I wouldn't have met Stacey and probably wouldn't have met Lucas but maybe it wouldn't be that bad. And if it was really meant to be, I would have met them one way or another. I'm not religious and don't believe in god, I don't really believe in anything. I've built walls around me and don't really plan on opening them to anyone. Sure I'll talk to people, even possibly become friends but I don't think I'll ever let anyone close enough to me for those walls to crack. And frankly I hope these walls will never crack. I don't wanna get hurt. I really wanna visit Lisa but I'm not welcome in their house anymore and I don't think she wants anything more to do with me. I let my walls down partly for her and here I am, getting hurt again.

"no, don't bother her when she's writing in that book, you'll get your hand chopped off." I hear Stacey yell.

I look up from my diary to see Peter about to take my diary. I stare at him in disbelief.

"who even writes in a diary, is she still 9?" John mocks.

"actually, I write in this thing to keep myself from beating the shit out of assholes like you." I give him my fakest smile.

"yeah right"

"don't try me" I look him dead in the eyes.

"you can't do shit" the dumbass speaks.

I decide against beating him up in the middle of McDonald's and take a deep breath, it doesn't help at all but let's pretend it does.

"I guess we'll never know." I say calmly, even tho I am anything but clam.

He laughs and I am ready to bounce at him. As I am about to jump up and punch that pussy, Lucas grabs my hand. I am so taken aback from the insignificant move that I calm down. I breath deeply.

"so where are we going?" I ask

"you'll see" Stacey chants.

I groan but follow her to the car nonetheless. We all get in Stacey's car (the boys came to McDonald's running, they were going for a jog when they saw Stacey and Belladonna in McDonald's).

"sooo... I still don't know your name" Lucas speaks as we're making our way out of the parking lot. I'm driving. It was obvious Lucas was talking to me.

"you don't need such information." I shrug.

"her names Belladonna, she's just too stubborn." Stacey answers for me.

"Belladonna huh? Original"

I don't feel the need to answer. Lucas continues.

"you know, Belladonna in Italian means Beautiful lady."

"it's also the name of a poisonous plant." I fake smile.

Everyone shuts up and I can finally drive in peace.

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