Chapter 226

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after their day. Derek and Meredith brought him home fast asleep. They figured he'd have quite the tiring day with his first of daycare, with all his new surroundings and his fans coming to see him.

Meredith figured he'd wake up later and then she'd feed him, she didn't have the heart to wake him from his nap knowing he'd be cranky and refuse the bottle.

They changed and got to working on some dinner, which they decided to relax and eat in front of the TV in the media room. They didn't want to encourage the eating in front of the TV, but with Devin asleep and still a baby they figured they had a few months before he started picking up on those habits.

They ate and talked about their day, Derek's unexpected surgery and all the cases and people Meredith saw in the pit. Including her talks with Richard to Cristina, narrating Addison's reaction to losing the bet which Derek laughed about.

"I can't believe she made it in the first place." Derek laughed taking a bite out of his burger as Meredith sat with a plate of fries.

"Those two are hilarious with their games."

"We should give them a trip to Vegas for Christmas, Addison could use some betting lessons."

"Interesting idea may be they'll get drunk and married by Elvis." Meredith thought out loud and seriously as Derek laughed.

"You're serious?"

"Yes, drunk and Vegas does sound a lot like Mark. He won't have time to chicken out because he won't know what he's doing or done until the next day and then it's too late. It's brilliant actually." Meredith praised herself telling Derek the plan.

"Ok hunny." Derek said placating her not believing that plan would work.

"I'm picking the hotel for their Christmas present." She said smiling, snuggling into Derek's side and continuing to eat her fries as he flipped the channels on the TV. Both just relaxing with each other, eating and enjoying their quiet night home as their baby boy slept in his crib upstairs in his room.

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