Father!Levi x Mother!Reader

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You sighed for the nth time of the day as you carried your baby in your arms while staring out of the window of your house. You didn't tell Levi, but you've been... Ummm, how do you explain this... You've been 'not okay' these past few weeks after delivering your birth. So many things littered on your mind, things like if you were ready for the sudden change, if you were gonna be a good mother... Or if you were even good enough.

You sighed as you gently placed your sleeping child at it's crib and stared at him with worryingly yet caring eyes

"Such an innocent baby caused me so much pain... Yet.."

You bit your lip to prevent yourself from crying, but a few still dropped. You took a shaky inhale as you suddenly hear the doorbell rang.

"Coming" You said

You walked towards the door and placed on a fake smile as you see your husband levi, standing on the doorstep

"Welcome home honey"

Levi smiled at you and went inside and kissed you

"How's the baby?"

"Sleeping" You replied

Levi stared at you

"What's the matter?" He asked

"Nothing actually..." You muttered as you walked away towards your bedroom. You looked back at him and smiled

"By the way, you'll have to fill up my paperworks tommorow. Remember, I'm still on maternal leave" You said before disappearing in the bedroom

~Time Skip~
You woke up in the middle of the night... Panting hard...

"Fuck this..."

You panted... And of course, your occasional shivering woke levi up

"Hon? What's the matter?" Levi asked

"Oh, It's nothing Levi... I just... It's just a bad dream, that's all" You smiled weakly

Levi hugged you from behind

"I know a way to stop that bad dream... Let me replace it with pleasure" He seducively said

You sighed irritantly

"Not now Levi..." You said before standing up and walking outside of your room...


~Time Skip~

You woke up to the sound of soft frying cooking oil and to the smell of delicious meat. You actually fell asleep on the sofa, so it was a surprise to you when you woke up with a blanket draped over your body... You groggily stare at Levi who was now approaching you with the frying pan in his hands.

"We're gonna eat breakfast, after that, you go into our fucking room, get a freakin shower and dress up cause we are gonna go somewhere... and don't worry about the baby, she/he is safe with (friend's name)"

Levi gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before returning to the kitchen... You had no choice of course, Levi was giving you a very serious stare...

~Time Skip ~brought to you by Koro-sensei watching over my sick OC :)

"Levi! Why're you bringing me here! Hey! I'm fine!" Levi dragged you to the clinic, when you wouldn't stop struggling, he carried you bridal style

"Hey put me down!!"

"Shut up you brat!" He spat out " I'm sick and tired of seeing you secretly not happy with something! If you don't wanna tell, then I'll take you to the doctor to see if you are sick cause I'm sure as hell that you can't stop loving me!!"

He kicked the doors open

"Oy! Shorty-heichou! Don't you-- Huh?" Hanji stopped in mid-sentence as she saw how serious he looked...

~Time Skip~

"So that being said... you know what to do levi" Hanji said as she closed her notebook and stretched her arms " That was very complicated to discover..."

"Thanks shitty glasses" Levi said as he carried the sleeping you bridal style back to the carriage

~ (and once again another) Time Skip~

You rubbed your eyes groggily and propped yourself up carefully from the sofa using your elbow. You looked around and noticed you were already back to your house and smelt something... aromatic (A/N: Oh fudge! I'm drooling! XD)
Levi appeared from the kitchen, carrying a try full of delicious gourmet-like foods.
Levi placed it down on the table infront of you and satred at you before hugging you

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell me what?"

" About your feelings"

"...It wasn't worth your time.. also, I figured you would be too busy to ever pay attention to it"

Levi's hug on you tighten, but not to the extent that it would suffocate you

"Idiot, I'm your husband, your my wife... You should know better.. Didn't I tell you in our vows that we'd be together through anything, in sickness and in health.. through thick and thin.. It's not just any stupid cheesy words that I'll forget, I promised you to do those vows, and I'm keeping my word"

You blushed at levi's words, what's more, you could hear his heart beating fast, which meant it must've took him a lot of courage to say those words as serious and as monotone as he can...

"So you're gonna take care of me?"

"Of course idiot"

"Can't wait" You said sarcastically

"You'll see"

And for 3 whole month straight, levi took care of you...perfectly if I may add.. Who knew? That the coldest of all corporals are so good at taking care of you.... so good indeed

Gomenasaiii!!! This took wayyyyyy too long than it should've been! Also, I'm sorry that I didn't write the parts where he took care of you, I was running out of ideas! Also, sorry if it was short!


Levi x Reader One-Shots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now