Levi x Avain!Reader

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(A/N: Ummm, are avains the people who can fly, right? Ummm)

You were flying along the forest, doing an observation and a survey. You were a member of the survey corps and you were assigned to do a job different from the others... It was to keep a report on how the titans are doing...

"Hmmm... Nothing here"

You sped up a little as you enjoyed dodging trees at a powerful speed. It was levi who actually taught you how to sharpen your visualization and dodge things faster, you were grateful for him.

As you were flying, your eyes spotted something big from the shadows, your eyebrows furrowed before you quickly flew up and looked down from below...

Your eyes widened

"So that's where they are! No wonder they're nowhere to be found!"

You stared in disgust as you saw a group of titan feeding munches of flesh from fresh human corpse (A/N: Eck!)

You glanced at your wrist watch

"I have to report back, It's also almost time for lunch"

You said as you flew back to the HQ

~Time Skip~

You landed safely on the training grounds, where the other cadets were sparring with each other. You walked over to Levi and saluted.


"The titans are gathered around in the middle of the forest, eating on a bunch of human corpse... makes me sick" You mumbled the last part

"I agree cadet, Now get inside and clean yourself before we all go to lunch"

You nodded and you walked back to your dorm

~After Lunch~

You walked out of the HQ and you stopped for a moment before sighing as you levitated from the ground, You were about to fly off when a hand stopped you. You looked back and saw

"Heichou! Ah, what is it?"

He didn't say anything, and just stared into your (e/c) orbs. He sighed

"Be careful out there cadet... I can't afford to lose you"

You blushed and nodded before levi let go of your hand and you quickly flew away...

~Time Skip~

You flew gently through the forest, having many mixed feelings around you

"What did he mean?" You muttered as your flying sped up without you noticing it

"Damn it, Focus (Y/N)! Stop making assumptions!" You said to yourself, your flying speed still picking up. You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a roar. You blinked as you saw yourself being stared by many titans...

"Oh dear..." You quickly flew up and saw that the titans are scattered now but is heading for the wall without knowing themselves

"If I fly back and warn them, they still have to prepare and they won't make it! Unless..." You shut your eyes shot hesistating at first, but the lives ofour other comrades are much more the worth so you pulled out your blades and began to attack the napes of the titan one by one

~ After an hour~

You were getting tired as minutes passed by, your speed was getting slower but you managed to decrease a large number of the titans...

"That'll... do... for now" You panted as you flew back to the HQ


You stumbled on the building asyour flying became unclear, everybody looked at you and so did levi, who rushed in to you

"(L/N)! Hey!" Levi held you but you were so tired that you just closed your eyes and let the darkness embrace you

~Time Skip~

(A/N: Damn those time skips XD)

You opened your eyes and saw that you were in the infirmary. You groaned as your musceles felt sore. You felt something holding your hand and looked to your side and saw levi sleeping with his hand holding yours, you blushed but gently smiled as you remebered the look on his face when you almost collapsed

"Sorry I made you worry heichou"

You gently kissed his forehead (A/N: -.- don't ask how)

"Sleep tight heichou"

Yousmiled to yourself and fell asleep again. Little did you know...

"Tch. Brat, hell yeah your gonna be punished for making me worried"

He glanced at you and tucked a strayed hair behind your ear, staring at you adorably

"...but I'm just glad your safe... (Y/N)... je te aime" (A/N: is that how you spell it? Since someone told me that rivaille is somehow a french name? word or whatever? I decided to use that! it means...)

"I love you, cadet (Y/N)"

Levi glanced back to you, grateful that you were deeply asleep

Yup! It means I love you! Done! I'm seriously sorry for not updating that much! I'm really just sooooo busy with school! As always! Hope you liked it! I'm open for request! Ja~ne! I'm so sleepy! -u-

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