Levi x Dying!Reader

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(A/N: Please don't play the Video yet)

It was winter that time, you and levi had been married for 5 years now... but as expected, nothing lasted aince it has been 2 years now ever since you found out that you were sick... and it was uncureable... So now, you were always stuck on bed, knowing levi. He wouldn't want you to move even an inch out of bed

"Here's your cocoa"

"Thanks Levi, You know I'm not bed ridden right?"

"Yeah, but I just don't want you to be tired that's all"

Levi then began to tell you about the news that erwin and eren has been telling him about how the titans were lessening now but the deviants, colossal and beast titans have been spotted being various places. Suddenly after awhile, you felt your hands become numb as you dropped the mug unto the wooden floor. Levi's eyes widened as he stared into the broken glass before back into you. You were staring on your shaking hands before you smiled gently at him.

"I'm fine, really. It just... slipped" You lied. But you knew all too well that Levi knew what was happening.

"Okay" Was all he said before he got a broom and a dustpan from the corner of your room and cleaned the mess.

~Time Skip, Days"


"Yes?" Levi said, looking up from his newspaper.

"Can we go outside?"

"But it's snowing"


"No" He sternly said, but you were stubborn

"Pretty please?" You gave him your famous puppy dog eyes

"Tch, fine! Just stop it with the eyes!" Levi gave up knowng that you really wanted to go outside. he grabbed both of your winter coats and scarves before you both changed into something more appropriate looking and went outside...

You didn't know this, but levi was actually stunned, he would always thought that when you had this sickness you would be pale and weak but, you were actually still stubborn

"Just like before" Levi muttered to himself

"Hey levi?"

"Hmm?" Levi snapped out of his trance and looked at you

"After this, promise to look inside the piano. M'kay?"

(A/N: My bestie babes? It starts here ;-; Start the Video here)

"Huh? Okay sure... but why?"


You played with the snow as you kept smiling. You were grateful to spend your remaing lifetime with the one you love. Levi. You were really grateful. You stopped and faced him at a 2 meter distance (A/N: How long is that? I have no idea) You were very thankful, really you were but now... you have to go

"Goodbye levi, Thanks for everything" You smiled one last time as levi stared at you, before his eyes widened as you fell into the snowy ground…


Was the last thing you heard before you completely blacked out…

~Time Skip, Many days~

"For the memory of (Y/N) Ackerman... A sweet wife, a great friend and a sister to all... You will be missed dearly"

Was the words that was embedded on your gravestone, it was a black marble plate with the writings colored in blue and a thin outline of white, knowing how you deeply love the Wings of Freedom's colors...

Levi still hadn't touched the letter nor had he opened the lid of the piano...

When he got home, he sat on the sofa and just stared at the piano, having a strong feeling that he should open it already

"I might as well grant her very last wish" Levi walked to the piano and saw 3 things...

A letter

A Cassette

A Music Sheet

Levi played the cassette as a soft instrumental intro played as he read your letter while listening to the sound of your voice, having Mikasa as your duet.

Levi read the letter and here's what it said (A/N: I know you want to read this)

Dear Levi,

                  Hi honey! If you read this letter I'm probably dead by now... What am I writing! Sheesh! But it's true though, I know i won't last long here in this world... but I've left you a little something here. Remember the time when Hanji, Mikasa, Christa and Sasha dragged me? Well that was because we had to record the song that's on the Cassette... There's also a music sheet there, it's the piano tune of our song "Ashita Kuru hi"... I just wanted to leave somethingbehind as a proof of my existence, that I really lived and fought my sickness until the end even though I'm feeling a lot of pain I always hid it with my smiles... I love you Levi Ackerman, and death won't part us. I'll be waiting for you by the doorway of heaven...
                               -Love, (Y/N) Ackerman

Levi cluthed the letter as he let the tears leaked out, knowing that no one would see him anyway...

"I Love you too (Y/N)" Levi said as he turned the Cassette player off and walked to the piano and played the Music Sheet that you had left for him...

Credits of the video goes to SirHamnet!... Btw, check SirHamnet's channel, believe me You won't be disappointed on how great she sings and translates songs especially the songs of my favotrte band Vocaloid! Well hope you enjoyed! I'm always open for request! Ja~ne!

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