OlderBrother!Levi x LittleSister!Reader: Lemon

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Uh huh.. the best kind of se--, I mean lemon ... This is actually my first time.. please don't think of me as some sort of pedo or whore or somethin'. I'm doing this because I know it makes you guys happy.. even if I myself am uncomfortable of writing this type of story! XD Also because I promised you :3

You moaned at every thrust that Levi did to you, each of his fast and powerful thrusts was hitting your pleasureable spot every single time

"Nii-sama! Aah! Oneh... Ah! Gai!" You begged Levi to stop. This was wrong and you both knew it. Having an incest relationship (A/N: Whatever that is... I think it's only for twins? I dunno..) with your brother was something that you didn't expect from him. And now here he was, in your room, fucking your virginity away from you.

Yyou tried to pull away from him but he just pushed himself harder as he began to suck your nipples which made your pleasure double up

"Nii-sama! I- Ah! I'm going to--"

"Let it out (Name)" He groaned

"Aaah!" You moaned in pleasure while levi groaned as the both of you cummed together.
Levi laid you down on your bed before grabbing his uniform, going out of your room and shut your room in the process, not saying another word.

As you heard the door close, you silently cried to yourself. This wasn't the first time that he has done it to you. You've been doing this for quiet awhile now but you still felt disgusted to yourself because of the reason that what the both of you was doing was wrong. VERY WRONG! You knew that this relationship was a one-sided one. Levi is the only one who is enjoying this fully, you aren't. You've always seen him as your big brother, nothing more nothing less. You love him but... not in THAT kind of way.

"God...  When will this stop..?"

◀[ Time Skip ]▶

It was 5:30 in the afternoon and Levi was walking passed the school gates when some of your friends came running towards him. Almost in a panicking manner.

"Levi - senpai!" They all shouted in unison

Levi stopped on his tracks and faced towards them

"What do you want?" He said coldly. Although they were already quiet used to this. Levi was know for being the smartest kid around, he was also very talented especially in basketball, despite having a small height, he is able to block the attacks of the other basketball players due to his incredible talent of jumping at large heights. He is also able to shoot a 3 point basket at any range. Well... summing this all up, you could say that he was the emperor. The absolute, in fact. (A/N: KnB reference right there, if you know what I mean and who I'am referring too ;D)

"It's (Name)! She- She was taken away by some gangsters!"

Levi's eyes widened and he immidietly broke

"What?! Where is she?!" Levi asked. Of course, being a sister of the infamous Levi Ackerman A.K.A. 'Humanty's Strongest' , means total protection around you, 24/7

"She was led into an abandoned building in the alley way just near the train station! We were lucky that it wasn't a car kidnapping!!!"

"We couldn't save her since the leader had a lot of back up and no one saw us since we were taking a shortcut in that certain alley!"

"Tch!" Levi quickly ran to the location that your friends had told him. Guess he'd have to show the shitty guy whose the emperor (A/N: Get it? Cause y'know, some people react "show them whose boss" but since levi is like an emperor in the school, he chose that word... get it? No? ok ._. )

◀[ Time Skip ]▶

Levi ran through the streets and made a sharp turn towards a random alley, ran a bit more before stopping at a random building. He took a deep breath before kicking the door down. Revealing you on the other side of the building, tied to a chair, your mouth being shutted by a packaging tape and surrounded by a group of thugs, whom he knew all too well how to deal with

Levi x Reader One-Shots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now