chapter 11

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I'm so tired, my throat burns, my chest hurts. I don't know where I am. I try so hard to open my eyes but I can't. I can hear so many voices talking at once, but they are so far away and I can't understand them. I feel bangging on my chest before it stops and there's pressure in my throat before it repeats. Where was I before I fell in this place. Why do I feel like I'm missing something, besides my memory. A cloudy red, with a man in it with me. I wanted to be away from that man. Smoke burning my eyes, sickening words making my skin crawl. A beautiful voice calling me home. A silhouette of a different man, it makes me happy. A beautiful big smile that makes me warm. Cracking blasts of blood on the man.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH AAAAHHH AAHHH" my body shot up as I started to scream. There were hands on me that I fought to get away from till I backed into a chest with an arm wrapped tightly around me and a head against my neck. I'm so tired but I feel safe in his hold. My screaming starts to die down as I start to cough instead. Water and a small fish fall out my mouth.
"Thats gross" I whisper as I see the fish flop on the wood dock. My ears steady as my vision becomes clear.
"I have you princess, you're OK, just breath, you're ok" the man holding me spoke through tears and a cracking voice. It was all coming back to me as I turned my head to see the most breathtaking man that is my soul mate.
"Shanks" I whispered as I smiled and leaned my head back against his shoulder and pant. The seawater is draining my energy. When I said his name he pushed his head closer to me and shook more as he cried.
"You jumped in for me didn't you" I breathed as I fought to move my hand to hold the back of his.
"You could have died, why would you do that" he tried to yell at me but it came out softer.
"I knew you would get me, my savior shanks" I breathed as I did my best to rub my cheek against him as I closed my eyes. He moved me so I was facing him and laying on him as he picked me up holding my thigh. I couldn't reach my arms up far enough to wrap around his neck so I settled for holding his shirt. It was quite as he walked, I thought we were going back to the ship but he went a different direction. I heard a bell chime and I opened my eyes to see that we were in what looked like a hotel.
"Emperor shanks, lady y/n welcome to lovers spring. We have the private hot spring as requested ready for you, this way" the lady at the desk said.
"I know where it is, benn pay the lady" shanks said as he kept walking.
"We would never charge you Emperor shanks"
"I don't want anyone bothering us, I don't care who it is or what it's for" shanks said as he pushed the door open to enter the private hot spring.
"But boss what i-" someone said before stopping when shanks turned to face him.
"Y-yes boss, nothing, no one, yes" he closed the door and shanks set me down on a bench that was against a wall.
"Can you lift your arms for me princess" he held the bottom of my tanktop. I lifted my arms as high as I could but that was only right infront of me.
"J-just t-this the *pant* sea *pant* water" he smiled.
"Thats good enough" he lifted the front of my shirt then moved the back untill he pulled it over my boobs.
"Lean your head forward" instead of my head leaning back on the wall I rolled it to the side untill it flopped forward. He grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it over my head and down my arms. Once it was off I was able to lift my head up and rase my arms a little higher.
"Thats a little better" I laughed. I tried to reach around and unclip my bra but I couldn't reach enough. I still had too much sea water on me.
"I got it" he chuckled as he reached around and unclipped it.
"You really like taking my bra off don't you, at least I'm awake this time to enjoy it" I smiled as I laughed at the end. I was able to unbutton my shorts and pull them off with my underwear and kick them to the side. Once I got all my clothes off that were dripping in sea water I felt much more normal and was able to catch my breath.
"Your turn, I want to finally see my emperor in all his naked glory" I smirked as I cupped my hands behind my head and watched him take his cloak off.
"What am I supposed to give you a show" he chuckled as he started to unbutton his shirt and jokingly swing his hips side to side.
"With moves as bad as those I'd say no" I laughed making him pout as he pulled his shirt off. He grabbed his waistband and stopped looking down.
"Does it bother you" I tilted my head to the side.
"Me only having one arm" he looked up at me as I smiled and put my hands on my thighs leaning forward.
"It reminds me that you were really the one that saved my world when I was too young and weak to do anything about it. I find it reassuring that you are that strong to get where you are so fast without the use of your dominant arm" he looked at me confused.
"How did you know it was my dominant arm"
"When you get excited you try to use it forgetting that it's not there making my arm itchy and feel weird" he smirked.
"Like this" I felt that weird tingle and itch making me scratch my left arm and move it around to get the feeling away.
"Ahh stop it you little shit, it feels weird aahh" I whined as I closed my eyes and leaned back into the wall to make the feeling go away, but I knew I couldn't since he was doing it. It stopped soon enough and when I opened my eyes back up to yell at him I was at a loss for words. He was crouched infront of me, naked with his arm draped over his knee, he was smirking as he looked at me with those deep glistening eyes.
"I-i y-yo- i-i-" I kept studering trying to say something but couldn't think of words. His smirk deepened to one much more sexy making my face heat up. He wrapped his arm around my waist and hoisted me over his shoulder as he stood up.
"You're adorable when you're flustered" he said in a playful voice that was deeper from his normal one. I covered my face with my hands as I heard him step into the water. He pulled me off his shoulder and moved me so my back was against his chest as he Sat down. Damn this guy is strong.
"Ahh that feels nice" he groaned as he put his hand on my belly once we sat down, me being between his legs.
"Ya *sigh* it is" I hummed as I leaned into him more and snuggled my face into his chest as I threaded my fingers with his and held his knee with the other making him hum.
"Y/n.... you can't act like that anymore" I squeezed his hand as I scrunched my face.
"Those men were trying to do to her what those bandants wanted to do to me. I'm not going to let someone like that off with a slap on the wrist so they can just go and do it again" he pulled his hand from me and combed my hair to the side with his fingers as he turned my head to face him.
"I meant in the bar with that girl yo-" I growled as I clapped my hand down on his shoulder and turned to face him straddling his lap.
"She was touching someone she shouldn't have. I get to touch you like that, I get to look at you like that, MY mark is the one on this shoulder" I was getting louder as I spoke as I gave my mark a squeeze making him groan.
"And only I get to touch it. Only I get to crave you, because you are mine and mine alone. You are the only man that makes me excited, you are the only man I want inside me and I'm not letting anyone act lik-" he put his hand in the center of my back and pushed me flush against his chest and gave me a heated kiss. I whimpered in the kiss as I felt a jolt go though my body making me start to melt. Before my mind fully went I pushed him back a little and broke the kiss.
"I *pant* seri- *swallow* -ous" I said with my eyes closed as I felt his breath fan my face making my mind melt.
"Eyes open princess" he hushed with his bottom lip dragging up my bottom lip making me moan and my back arch into him. My eyes fluttered open as my breath caught in my throat.
"I love you shanks" I breathed as I locked us into another kiss and rocked my hips against him. His hard penis was nestled between my butt cheeks making him groan and clutch my hip as he broke the kiss and put his forehead against mind.
"Please y/n, I can't take it anymore, I need you, please *swallow* let me have you" he begged opening his eyes to look at me at the end.
"You already know how bad I want you why are you begging me" I chuckled at how the tables turned.
"I want to hear you say it y/n. Once I start I won't be able to stop" he started to kiss my throat making me lean my head back with a moan.
"Please shanks *pant* I kept myself whole for you *pant* I want to feel what it's like *swallow* to have my soul mate fill me ahhhh" he nibbled on my neck just under my jaw making me claw at his back to try and ground myself. My world was spinning and shaking and the only thing keeping me in place was shanks skin against my own. He cupped my one butt cheek and lifted me just slightly so his tip was pressed against my lower lips making me shake.
"I'm sorry, this is going to hurt at first" shanks gave me a guilty expression making me cup his cheek and smile.
"It only hurts the first time when it's not who you're meant to be with. I was made to love you shanks, please let me" he leaned his head into my hand more as I started to kiss him as I slowly sheathed myself on him. The kiss didn't last long as we both let out breathless gasps. My vision was swirling with many colors, the colors seemed brighter. My sense of smell seemed stronger as I could smell embers fordge from here. My hearing was much more focused as now I could hear the birds that were oh so far away chirp, I could hear shanks crazed heart beat as his head was rolled back and resting on the lip of the hot spring. He chuckled making electricity shoot throughout my body making my toes curl as I tried to conceal my gasp.
"We didn't *pant* do *pant* anything yet *pant* and I *pant* already feel *pant* like this *pant* I should *pant* have waited" he chuckled again making me whine from the feel, he went quiet and swallowed.
"Shanks~ your hair is so bright now~" i combed my fingers threw his hair as I leaned my body against his more. He started to pant harder and clench his eyes shut as I felt his hand shake on my back.
"You're glowing so bright~ you look so breathtaking~ and you're all mine~ ill take care of you forever my love~" the words I spoke did not feel like my own but I meant every bit of it.
"Y-y/n" shanks studdered as he opened his eyes to turn his head and look at me, his voice sounded strained.
"Shhhh I have you darling~" I cupped my arms around his head and placed my elbows on his shoulders as I pressed my forhead to his and moved up on him slowly and back down.
"Haaa aahhh" I cried as I balled my hands in his hair and pulled as I was in extacy.
"Dear god aahhh" he groaned through gritted teeth as I felt him try to arch his head back but I kept it against mine. He drug his nails down my back as he moaned making me shake. I kept the slow and steady bounce making me cry out and arch my back as I pulled shanks head to my chest.
"Sshhaannkkss aaaahhhhh" I cried as I felt him growl into my chest panting.
"Fuck *pant pant* I can't *pant* amazing *pant pant* shit" his lips were against my skin as he breathed heavily making me shiver and bounce slightly faster as I rocked my hips on him every time I came down.
"SHANKS AHHH SO GOOD SO GOOD AHHH" I cried as I raked my nails down his back with one hand as my other stayed in his hair. His breathing started to get harder as he started to lightly tap my side.
"W-w-wait pr-princess *pant pant* ahhh y/n n-not y-yet ahhhh w-wait i-" his muscles clenched as he held me close to his body trying to make me stop.
"Cant.... cum...... yet..... s-stop.... p-please"
"CANT STOP CANT STOP AAAHHHH YOU FEEL SO GOOD SHANKS AHHHHH INSIDE MEEEEE FUAAAAACCCKKKKAAAAAHHHH" I could feel him cum inside me filling me and it sent me over. It was like I was watching a firework show and feeling every crackle and every tingle making me scream at the top of my lungs as I couldn't stop fucking his seed into me.
"Ooohhhh yes yes I love you shanks" I weazed out as drool left the corner of my mouth and tears came out my eyes. I could feel him drool on my chest as he whimpered beneath me. I slammed down on him one last time sending him deep inside me making me hit another wave that I didn't know I could reach. The feel of it made me arch my back and head as my breath caught in my throat and I found it hard to breath as I felt a cool sensation fill my body making me shake. When the feeling passed shanks put his hand on my back and brought me flush with his chest again still sheathed inside me. He licked my chin making me shake and whimper due to the touch being amplified.
"I told you once I start I can't stop, little girl" the way he said it made a shiver go through my body.
"Please daddy" I didn't even know what I said my mind was so clouded but he looked at me sternly making me think something was wrong. Suddenly he flipped me around and bent me over the lip of the hot spring.
"Say it again" he growled making me flinch and squeeze my thighs together.
"I-i what" he slapped my ass making me yelp as he grabbed my thigh and pulled my legs apart. It felt like he had two hands making me very confused. I turned my head to look at him and I saw where his other arm would be was a black arm holding me. It burned slightly on the thigh that he held me with but not badly enough to make it not enjoyable.
"Say it again or you don't get this hard cock, understand little girl" he growled as he brushed his tip against my wet lips.
"P-please daddy fuck me till I can't move" he smirked making me shiver and moan.
"Thats my good girl" he slammed himself into me making me scream. He thrused into me at a fast and hard pace I though we might break the hot spring. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my tongue flopped out.
"Who would of thought ahhhh that you'd find the ahhhh magic word" I felt his chest press into my back as he hooked the black arm around my shoulders making my skin tingle as it heated up.
"Does my princess like getting fucked like a dirty girl hmmm" he kissed behind my ear as he hummed against my skin making my toes curl as I tried to wrap my legs around him like this.
"OH GOD OH SHANKS YES YES PLEASE DADDY DONT STOP DONT STOP PLEASE DADDY PLEASE DADDY AAHHHHHH" each time I said daddy he seemed to hit deeper and harder making tears leave my eyes as drool ran down my neck. My orgasam was fast approaching and as I screamed clamping down around him he turned my face to the side and gave me a kiss. It was heated, it was sloppy, teeth clashed as our tongues fought. I reached up and tangled my fingers in his hair as we broke the kiss and I started to weeze from him not slowing down as he was almost reaching his orgasam.
"Please fill me daddy... I want all of it.... please cum in me daddy" his grip on my neck and shoulder tightened as he slowly but roughly slammed into me a few more times making me scream and shake from it feeling so good as he filled me again. His black arm faded away and I layed on the floor of the hot spring with shanks resting on my back.
"I think a nap is in order don't you princess" shanks chuckled as he stood up and pulled out of me. When I didn't answer or move he rubbed my back lovingly.
"Mhimf" I grunted to let him know I heard him but I couldn't find it in me to talk or move.
"Guess I did good then, good thing I got the one with the bed, ill carry you to it just sleep princess" he didn't need to tell me twice because I was already falling to dream land when he picked me up and nizzled me to his chest.

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