12 - Something To Believe In

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The valley tumbled into a deep precipice; at half of it, was Seiya's unconscious body that Shun was trying to rescue with his Chain. The Black Dragon watched from a cliff above. Shiryu learned about Seiya's bad injuries and that he needed immediate help; Shun started to go down the precipice using his Chains, but the Black Dragon had other ideas. And from the top of the cliff, he jumped to hit them both.

Shiryu blocked with his shield and Black Dragon had to back away.

"Take care of Seiya, Shun. I will fight him."
"How foolish. Why work so hard for someone who's probably already dead? It's pointless."
"It's not foolish if there's any chance that he's alive. That's what we do for friends." Shiryu said and the Black Dragon mocked with a wry smile.

The fight broke out between the two and the sound of the metal clashing echoed in the valley. It was a very similar combat in which, as they advanced on each other, they actually ended up pushing each other into the cave.

The Black Dragon then lured Shiryu to a corner where the light was weaker and hit her from behind, causing Shiryu to fall into an indentation where she found herself completely blind. And again she was hit, this time in the face.

"Where is he?"

It was a deep darkness and although Shiryu could hear Black Dragon and guess his location, the darkness of the cave confused her too much. She was hit hard in the chest and fell from a height to another platform even deeper in the dark. She was confused because the attack was spot on.

She sensed another charge and managed to jump back to where she had fallen, only to be shot again in the stomach.

"It's not possible!" Shiryu felt like she was blind and fighting someone who could see her perfectly.
"You don't stand a chance, Shiryu. I can see your every move in the darkness." said the Black Dragon, curiously from a direction she had not expected.

She turned to the voice and was hit again from the opposite side, dropping to the ground. She raised her hand over her face and felt it bleed. The blows weren't necessarily strong, but because she was unprepared, she ended up cutting herself on the cave rock or an unprepared tumble.

In the darkness she tried to pay more attention to what she heard and the movement of the air, but whenever she thought she knew where her enemy was, she was surprised again. And then she started getting beat in the dark of the cave.

When suddenly something changed: a strong voice sounded in the cave and it wasn't Shiryu who screamed in pain. Someone had been beaten in the dark and it hadn't been her. The attacks ceased while someone suffered and then the cave lit up as a sphere rose from floor to ceiling bringing light.

Shiryu clearly saw the Black Dragon in front of her and, looking back, another Black Dragon, fallen. The same helmet, the same shield, the same likeness as your opponent, as if they were duplicates. But one was suffering and the other was standing with his arms crossed in front of her.

"Are you okay, Shiryu?"
"Miss Saori?" Shiryu asked, realizing, even further away, that it was Saori who was there.
"Just Saori." She smiled.

She wore a White Armor and had a helmet on her head with a visor over her eyes.

"I think this Black Knight can also see in the dark and was attacking you without you having a chance." she said.
"He's blind." said Black Dragon to Shiryu.
"Blind?" Shiryu looked at the boy on the ground slowly getting up.
"Very well, there is no need to keep this charade. I can finish you off myself, Shiryu". said the Black Dragon.
"No brother, I can help you!" said the one suffering on the floor.

But Black Dragon rushed Shiryu with all his strength and hit her terribly, throwing her to the roof of the cave. He then grabbed Shiryu by the collar of her Cloth and dragged her out of that dark cave. Shun had not yet returned to the surface.

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